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Can a permanently deleted Facebook be recovered?

Can a permanently deleted Facebook be recovered?

Recovering a permanently deleted Facebook account can be very difficult, but may be possible in some cases. Here are the key things to know about trying to restore a deleted Facebook profile:

What happens when you permanently delete Facebook

When you permanently delete your Facebook account, Facebook begins a complex process of removing all traces of your profile and data from their systems. This includes:

  • Deleting your profile, photos, posts, videos, and all other data
  • Removing you from your Facebook friends’ friend lists and notifications
  • Deleting you from Facebook groups you were a member of
  • Removing tags of you by other users in their photos/posts

Facebook states this process can take up to 90 days to fully complete. During this time, your account is in a “deleted” state but is still recoverable if you log back in.

However, after those 90 days, Facebook considers your account to be “permanently deleted” and much harder to restore.

Is it possible to recover a permanently deleted Facebook account?

Recovering a Facebook account after permanent deletion is very challenging but may be possible in limited cases, such as:

  • Within the first few days after deletion – If you try to recover your account within the first few days after permanent deletion, there is a chance it may still be restored. Facebook’s systems are still unwinding the deletion so your account could potentially be retrievable.
  • After receiving data from Facebook – If you request a copy of your Facebook data before deleting your account, you may be able to use information from that data to prove ownership of the account and have it reinstated.
  • With proof of ID/ownership – In some cases, if you can provide Facebook with very strong proof of your identity and ownership of the account, such as an ID, they may be able to recover and reinstate it.

However, beyond those scenarios, recover becomes exponentially more unlikely the longer an account has been deleted.

Steps to try to recover a deleted Facebook account

If you wish to attempt recovery, here are steps that may help:

  1. Go to Facebook’s account recovery form at
  2. Enter the email address or phone number associated with your deleted account
  3. Facebook will search for any traces of your account
  4. If found, you may be prompted to provide additional proof of ID or account ownership information
  5. If Facebook is able to fully verify your identity, they may be able to reinstate your account

However, there are no guarantees this will work, especially the longer an account has been deleted.

What if account recovery is unsuccessful?

If you go through Facebook’s account recovery process but are unable to get your deleted profile restored, here are a few things to consider:

  • Wait and try again later – Sometimes waiting a few days or weeks and retry recovery can yield different results after more of your data is purged from Facebook’s systems.
  • Contact Facebook support – You may be able to escalate your request and provide additional identity verification by contacting Facebook support.
  • Create a new account – If you are unable to recover your old account, creating a brand new Facebook profile is an option, although you will be starting from scratch.
  • Use a different platform – If having your old Facebook account is not critical, consider switching social media platforms and starting fresh on another site.

Tips to prevent needing to recover a Facebook account

To avoid the hassle of trying to recover a deleted Facebook profile, it’s smart to take measures to prevent needing account recovery in the first place:

  • Back up your data – Download a copy of your Facebook data so you have it preserved if you ever delete your account.
  • Avoid permanent deletion – Consider deactivating your account instead of permanently deleting it, as reactivation is much easier.
  • Strengthen account security – Enable two-factor authentication and use strong passwords to prevent your account from being maliciously deleted.
  • Know the risks – Understand that permanent deletion is very difficult to undo, so only delete your account if you are absolutely certain.


While recovering a deleted Facebook account is very challenging, it can potentially be done in limited cases with the right proof of identity and timing. However, there is no guarantee of success. The best approach is being cautious about permanent deletion and taking steps to back up your account data beforehand.