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Can a nonprofit have a Facebook page?

Can a nonprofit have a Facebook page?

Yes, a nonprofit organization can absolutely have a Facebook page. In fact, Facebook pages have become one of the most important tools for nonprofits to build awareness, engage with supporters, fundraise, and more.

Why should a nonprofit have a Facebook page?

There are many benefits for a nonprofit to have an active Facebook presence:

  • Build brand awareness – A Facebook page gives a nonprofit a platform to promote their mission, programs, events and successes to a wide audience.
  • Engage supporters – Nonprofits can share updates, photos, videos and stories to keep supporters engaged and invested in the organization.
  • Fundraise – Nonprofits can use Facebook to promote fundraising campaigns, share donation appeals, and make it easy for supporters to give through Facebook donate buttons.
  • Recruit volunteers – Nonprofits can share volunteer opportunities and rally people to get involved.
  • Promote events – Facebook events make it simple to get the word out about upcoming events and track attendance.
  • Highlight impact – Nonprofits can share testimonials, client stories and tangible examples of how the organization is creating change.

In short, a Facebook presence allows nonprofits to better connect with supporters old and new. It provides a platform to increase awareness, engagement and resources for their important cause.

How can a nonprofit create a Facebook page?

Creating a Facebook page for a nonprofit is easy and free. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and either log in or create a new Facebook account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right and select “Create Page” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose the “Cause or Community” option for the category of page you want to create.
  4. Select the more specific category that best fits your nonprofit – Education, Animals, Health, etc.
  5. Give your Facebook page a unique name that matches your nonprofit’s name. Add some profile and cover photos that represent your nonprofit.
  6. In the “About” section, provide information on your nonprofit’s mission, story, contact info, website, etc.
  7. Click the “Create Page” button and your nonprofit’s Facebook page is ready to go!

Once your page is created, here are some tips to build up your nonprofit’s Facebook presence:

  • Invite board members, staff, volunteers, clients and donors who are on Facebook to like and follow your page.
  • Create engaging content to post regularly – updates, photos, videos, links, stories, etc.
  • Use Facebook ads to promote your page and key posts.
  • Optimize your page for more visibility by adding keywords, linking to your website, and enabling reviews.
  • Engage followers by responding to comments, messaging, and posts shared to your page.
  • Track your Facebook analytics to see what content works best and what times get the most engagement.

Consistency and high-quality content will be key to building a loyal following on Facebook over time.

What are some best practices for nonprofits on Facebook?

Here are some top tips for nonprofits to get the most out of their Facebook presence:

  • Post consistently – Try to post daily if possible, or at least a few times a week.
  • Offer a mix of content – Share photos, videos, links, appeals, stories, etc. to provide variety.
  • Engage with followers – Respond to comments and messages, ask questions, run polls, etc. to foster two-way engagement.
  • Promote events and campaigns – Create Facebook events with details, updates, reminders, and share posts promoting fundraising campaigns.
  • Thank supporters – Recognize donors, volunteers, corporate partners, etc. to show appreciation.
  • Share your impact – Post testimonials, statistics, and stories highlighting how your nonprofit changes lives.
  • Pay for promotions – Use Facebook ads to get more visibility for important posts and build your following.
  • Use Calls to Action – Include buttons to donate, volunteer, register, learn more, etc. to drive people to take action.

Keeping your content positive and inclusive, responding promptly to comments and messages, and tapping into what resonates most with your audience are also important for nonprofit success on Facebook.

What are some examples of great nonprofit Facebook pages?

Some nonprofits absolutely thriving on Facebook include:

  • Charity: Water – Amazing photos and videos showing water projects in action and the positive impact for communities.
  • ASPCA – Adorable adoptable pet photos that tug at the heartstrings, and urgent calls for animal welfare reform.
  • St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – Touching stories and updates from patients that inspire people to support their life-saving work.
  • American Red Cross – Timely disaster response efforts and blood donation appeals that mobilize their network.
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of America – Fun events, activities, and programs on display that embody their youth development mission.

Checking out the Facebook pages of larger nonprofits doing social media well can provide great inspiration for your own nonprofit’s page.

Can a nonprofit use Facebook to accept donations?

Yes! Enabling donations directly through Facebook is a convenient option for nonprofits.

Here’s how to set up Facebook donations:

  1. From your Page, click Settings > Templates and Tabs
  2. Click Add a Tab > Donate Button
  3. Select a Term and Condition and click Next
  4. Enter your payment details and banking information
  5. Click Submit and your Donate tab will be activated

Once enabled, a prominent “Donate” button will appear on your Facebook page, allowing supporters to give directly through Facebook. The funds are securely processed by Facebook and they deposit the donations into your bank account.

Facebook does not charge nonprofits fees for donations, but the payment processor used typically takes a small percentage of each transaction. Still, it provides a convenient giving option.

Best practices for fundraising on Facebook:

  • Post fundraising appeals with impactful images/videos, sharing why donations are needed
  • Go Live or run Facebook Live fundraisers for events like giving days or anniversaries
  • Share donor testimonials to encourage others to give
  • Use Facebook ads to promote your important campaigns
  • Thank donors publicly when gifts are received

With the power of social media, nonprofits can rally support and mobilize donors right from their Facebook page.

Can a nonprofit use Facebook to recruit volunteers?

Facebook can be a phenomenal platform for nonprofits to recruit and organize volunteers. Here are some tips:

  • Share specific volunteer opportunities and needs clearly, including date, location, time commitment, duties involved, skills required, etc.
  • Post photos of volunteers in action so people can visualize themselves in that role
  • Leverage Facebook Events to promote and manage signups for large-scale volunteer events
  • Give volunteers recognition by thanking them publicly in posts or leaving positive comments on their profiles
  • Ask satisfied volunteers to share testimonials about their experiences to inspire others
  • Use Facebook Live to give virtual volunteer tours of your facilities and programs

Nonprofits can also create a designated Facebook Group just for their volunteers. This provides a space for coordinating efforts, sharing resources, asking questions, and building camaraderie among your volunteer team.

The broad reach, interactive tools, and targeted advertising capabilities make Facebook a nonprofit’s dream for rallying volunteers to support the cause.

Can a nonprofit use Facebook to promote an event?

Facebook Events are tailor-made for nonprofits to promote their upcoming events.

Key advantages of creating a Facebook Event include:

  • Events are shared in followers’ News Feeds to spread awareness.
  • People can click “Interested” or “Going” to tap into the viral social nature of Facebook.
  • Event details like date, time, location, description can all be included.
  • Nonprofits can post updates about the event to keep people engaged.
  • Has tracking features to see how many people are Interested or Going.
  • Integrates seamlessly with Facebook invites.
  • Is free!

Best practices for promoting nonprofit events on Facebook:

  • Create the event well in advance to build up anticipation.
  • Share creative graphics, photos or videos about the event to get people excited.
  • Incorporate calls to action like buying tickets, registering, sharing with friends, etc.
  • Post frequent updates leading up to the event like sneak peeks, announcements, reminders.
  • Give people who engage with the event recognition and encouragement.
  • Capture and share photos and videos during/after the event to create FOMO for next time.

Facebook provides all the tools a nonprofit needs to create buzz and drive participation for their next big event.

What should a nonprofit know before creating a Facebook page?

Here are a few things for a nonprofit to keep in mind before setting up their Facebook presence:

  • Have a Strategy – Be clear on what your goals are – awareness, fundraising, events, etc. Then craft content that ladders up to those goals.
  • Dedicate Resources – Managing social media well takes time. Ensure you have staff or volunteers assigned to regularly post content and engage with followers.
  • Consistency is Key – Posting regularly and responding promptly builds trust and loyalty with your audience.
  • Images are Powerful – Photos and videos tend to perform best on Facebook. Show don’t tell!
  • Optimize for Mobile – With most Facebook usage being mobile, ensure content displays well on small screens.
  • Promote Your Page – Grow your followers proactively by promoting your page through your website, email newsletter, other social channels, etc.
  • Engage Your Fans – Provide value and foster two-way interaction with followers in your niche.

Investing the time up front to strategize and craft high-quality content will pay dividends down the road for your nonprofit’s Facebook presence.

What common mistakes should a nonprofit avoid on Facebook?

While Facebook presents amazing opportunities for nonprofits, there are also some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Not posting frequently enough – Inconsistency or long gaps will cause followers to lose interest.
  • Too much self-promotion – Followers want to see people/impact, not just asks for money or attendance.
  • Ignoring comments and messages – Failing to respond erodes community and looks unprofessional.
  • Reusing the same content across channels – Followers expect content customized for Facebook.
  • Sending people away from Facebook – Links should ideally send them to your Facebook domain for trust.
  • Inauthentic or hard-sell tactics – Followers value genuine impact and transparency from pages they follow.
  • Not optimizing images – Small or cluttered images won’t catch the eye in the News Feed.

The nonprofits seeing great success on Facebook are those providing value, authenticity and consistent engagement with their loyal supporters and advocates.


Facebook provides a free yet powerful platform for nonprofits to dramatically expand their reach and impact. By sharing their mission through compelling content, fostering an engaged community, and leveraging Facebook’s tools to drive real-world action – from donations to volunteers – nonprofits can inspire support and change lives. Avoiding common pitfalls like inconsistent posting and self-promotion, while focusing on value, transparency and human connection is key. Harnessing the massive reach of Facebook is a must for forward-thinking nonprofits aiming to change the world.