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Can a memorialized account be deleted?

Can a memorialized account be deleted?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized to preserve their memories on the platform. Memorializing an account essentially turns the profile into a place for friends and family to post memories, while also preventing anyone from logging into the account.

Memorialized accounts have some key differences from normal active accounts:

  • The word “Remembering” is shown next to the name
  • The profile picture is removed or changes to a gray background
  • Friends can still post on the Timeline
  • The account no longer shows up in “People You May Know” suggestions
  • No one can log into the account

Once an account is memorialized, some people wonder if it can still be permanently deleted. Below we’ll look at the factors around deleting a memorialized Facebook account.

Can a memorialized account be deleted?

Yes, a memorialized Facebook account can still be permanently deleted from the platform if requested. Facebook keeps memorialized accounts to preserve memories, but will remove them on request from immediate family members.

To request deletion of a memorialized account, an immediate family member must contact Facebook directly. They will need to provide proof that they are an immediate relative along with a request for account deletion.

Requirements to delete a memorialized account

Here are the key requirements Facebook has in order to delete a memorialized account:

  • The request must come from an immediate family member
  • Proof of death (obituary, death certificate) must be provided
  • Proof of relationship to the deceased must be provided (birth certificate, marriage certificate)
  • A written request for account deletion must be made

Facebook does allow memorialized accounts to be deleted, but has a process in place to prevent unwanted account removal. By requiring proof and a direct request, they ensure the account is only removed if that aligns with the wishes of the immediate family.

Why delete a memorialized account?

There are a few reasons why an immediate family member may request to delete a memorialized Facebook account entirely:

  • The deceased specifically requested account deletion
  • The content on the account is very private/personal
  • The family finds the memorialized account too painful or distracting
  • Concerns over identity theft or hacking of the account

Having a loved one pass away is already painful enough for family members. If the memorialized account causes further grief or stress, deletion may be the right choice for them.


Some families may feel that completely removing their loved one’s Facebook presence allows them better closure and ability to move on. Seeing the account frozen in time with memories and posts can make the loss feel more raw.


In some cases, the deceased may have had very personal content on their Facebook account that they would not have wanted public. Memorializing makes this still visible to connections. Deleting the account removes access while still preserving their privacy.

Prevention of hacking

Unfortunately, memorialized accounts can still be targets for hacking, impersonation, or identity theft. Deleting the account fully removes this risk, which may provide comfort to grieving families.

Considerations before deleting a memorialized account

While Facebook does allow memorialized accounts to be deleted, families may want to reflect carefully before requesting removal. Here are some considerations:

  • Is this what your loved one would have wanted? They may have been comfortable with memorialization.
  • Does the account contain important memories you still want to preserve?
  • Are you deleting the account during a time of intense grief?

    Give yourself time.

  • Will deleting the account help your grief, or remove a source of comfort?
  • Can you limit visibility of the account instead of fully deleting?

Rash deletions done in the midst of grief have caused regret for some families later on. Take time to think through the implications before deciding to permanently erase your loved one’s Facebook presence.

Reflection period

Give yourself several weeks or months after memorializing an account before deciding to request deletion. This reflection period allows you to think clearly and determine if removal is truly the best path forward.

Download content

Before deleting a memorialized account, download copies of photos, posts, and conversations on the profile. This preserves memories while still deleting the account itself.

Limited visibility

You can keep the account memorialized but adjust settings so it is not broadly visible. Restrict access only to close family members who you want to be able to post memories.

How to request deletion of a memorialized account

If after careful reflection an immediate family member decides to request deletion of a memorialized Facebook account, the process is straightforward:

  1. Gather the required proof of identity/relationship documents
  2. Write a formal account deletion request
  3. Contact Facebook’s help center via email or mail to request deletion
  4. Submit the written request along with proof documentation
  5. Wait for Facebook to review and process the request
  6. The account will be permanently deleted within 14 days after approval

Facebook also allows submitting deletion requests through online forms. However, since memorialized accounts require extensive proof, contacting them directly is recommended.

Contact Facebook support

To begin the memorialized account deletion process, get in touch with Facebook’s help team. Contact options include:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mail: Facebook Inc., ATTN Deceased Accounts, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
  • Online form: Materials can be uploaded during submission

When contacting Facebook, include your written request and documentation described in the requirements section above. The review process typically takes up to 14 days before they will delete the account.

Alternatives to deleting a memorialized account

If your family has reservations about removing your loved one’s memorialized account altogether, there are alternatives to consider:

Limited profile visibility

You can keep the account active but restrict who is able to see the profile. Set it so only close family members or friends can view or post on the memorialized Timeline.

Removing select content

If just some of the posts, photos or information on the account are concerning, you can contact Facebook to selectively remove this content while keeping the profile.

Reporting offensive use

If anyone is posting offensive or harassing content on the memorialized profile, you can report this to Facebook for removal instead of deleting the whole account.

Option Benefits
Limited profile visibility Still preserves some memories while limiting access
Selective content removal Inappropriate content taken down but profile remains
Reporting offensive use Harassing posts removed while account stays intact

In many cases, alternatives like the ones above can appropriately address concerns without fully deleting your loved one’s presence. Before removing the entire account, consider if these options may be a better fit for your needs and preferences.

Coping with grief and loss

Losing a loved one is incredibly hard, especially when navigating what to do with their social media presence. Here are some tips that may help you cope with grief and make thoughtful decisions about memorialized accounts:

  • Give yourself time. Don’t rush to make permanent decisions while emotions are raw.
  • Lean on your support system of family and friends.
  • Remember positive memories about your loved one.
  • Consider saving favorite photos or conversations before deleting.
  • Know that there is no right or wrong decision – do what feels comfortable for you.
  • Seeking professional counseling can provide helpful guidance.

Deactivating accounts, removing content, or just taking a break from visiting the memorialized profile are also valid options while you process your grief. Go at your own pace and do what feels right for your unique situation.

Finding closure

For some families, deleting a loved one’s account provides a sense of closure that helps them move forward. For others, saving the memories brings comfort. Seek the approach that you feel will help you find peace and closure.

Honoring their wishes

Before making major changes to a deceased loved one’s profile, reflect on what they would have wanted. Honoring their preferences can provide a sense of dignity and purpose.


Losing someone close to you is devastating. During such a painful time, making choices about their social media presence adds further difficulty. While Facebook does allow for deleting memorialized accounts in some circumstances, the decision requires deep reflection.

Consider your motivations, alternatives, and what would honor your loved one’s wishes. Give yourself time to grieve and make careful choices. Reach out for support from family, friends or professionals when needed. With compassion and care, you can make thoughtful decisions to remember your loved one online or offline.