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Can a fake FB account be traced?

Can a fake FB account be traced?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. However, with this widespread popularity, there has also been an increase in fake accounts created on Facebook for various purposes such as trolling, cyberbullying, spreading misinformation, etc. This has led many to wonder – can a fake Facebook account be traced back to the person who created it?

What constitutes a fake Facebook account?

A fake Facebook account refers to a profile that has been created under false pretenses, providing misleading or inaccurate information about the user’s real identity. Some ways in which fake accounts can be identified include:

  • Using a fake name instead of the person’s real identity
  • Providing a false date of birth or location
  • Using profile pictures of someone else/stock images instead of photos of themselves
  • Minimal personal information and details listed on the profile
  • Very few posts and friends on the account

Fake accounts are often used to conceal the user’s real identity while allowing them to interact with others under a fabricated persona. However, Facebook has terms prohibiting the creation and use of inauthentic accounts on its platform.

What information does Facebook collect on user accounts?

When a user creates a Facebook account, they are required to provide certain personal details including:

  • Full name
  • Email address or mobile number
  • Date of birth
  • Gender

Additionally, Facebook also collects and stores the user’s:

  • IP address
  • Location data
  • Cookies and tracking pixels from interactions on Facebook services
  • Device information such as OS, browser details, etc.
  • Posts, photos, interests, and other activity on the account

This data enables Facebook to link accounts to specific individuals and devices used to access the account. It can help identify and trace fake accounts back to their original creators.

How can Facebook trace a fake account?

When investigating fake accounts, Facebook has multiple mechanisms to help identify and collect information about the associated account owner. Some of the key methods include:

  • IP address tracking – The IP addresses used to log into the account, along with location data, can reveal the general area or specific device the account was accessed from.
  • Facial recognition – Facebook’s AI technology can match profile photos to other accounts with the same person to find their real identity.
  • Linking devices – Accounts accessed from the same device can be linked together, making it possible to find the person’s real account.
  • Email and phone trace – The email address or phone number used to signup can be traced back to the account owner.
  • Writing analysis – The language patterns, typing style, and content of posts/messages can help identify the author behind a fake account.
  • Graph search – Facebook maps out connections between accounts, friends, posts, locations, devices, etc. enabling them to link fake accounts to real identities.
  • Obtaining legal access – If required, Facebook can obtain court orders to get access to account records from internet providers, mobile carriers, etc.

By leveraging these techniques, Facebook’s security systems have become adept at detecting and tracing down fake accounts even when the user is employing tactics to conceal their identity. The Internet Privacy Act also empowers social media companies like Facebook to take action against fake accounts when terms of service are violated.

What actions are taken against fake accounts?

Facebook has strict policies prohibiting any creation or use of fake accounts on their platform. Some of the actions they can take against fake accounts include:

  • Removing the account – Fake accounts face immediate deletion once uncovered by Facebook.
  • Banning associated accounts – Any other accounts linked to the same owner will also be subject to the same penalties.
  • Blocking the device – The device IDs used to create or log into fake accounts can be banned from Facebook.
  • Legal prosecution – Cases of large scale fraud or deception can lead to prosecution by authorities for cybercrime.

The Facebook Terms of Service agreement gives them broad authority to take any action deemed appropriate against fake accounts and associated accounts. The consequences can range from simple account deletion to legal prosecution depending on the specifics of the violation.

Best practices to avoid fake account detection

While fake accounts are prohibited by Facebook, here are some best practices users should follow to avoid running afoul of Facebook’s detection mechanisms when operating an account under a pseudonym or creative persona:

  • Use an authentic profile/stage name consistently instead of misleading people about your real identity.
  • Avoid using fake information or stolen identities and represent yourself truthfully.
  • Do not impersonate or speak for other people or organizations.
  • Add real friends you know and interact with them regularly.
  • Build up authentic content over time – posts, photos, updates, etc.
  • Use the same device and IP address instead of switching between devices and locations.
  • Provide accurate information if asked for ID verification by Facebook.

While using an alternative identity, being transparent and maintaining a consistent profile tied to your device and location history can help avoid the appearance of engaging in deceptive behavior through a fake account.


Facebook has a variety of sophisticated techniques to detect, trace and shut down fake accounts being used to spread misinformation, cyberbully, scam or misrepresent individuals on their platform. While it may be possible to operate an alternative account as a creative persona, users should take care to represent themselves truthfully and comply with Facebook’s terms of service prohibiting deceptive practices and impersonation. Maintaining a consistent online identity tied to a real device and location history can help avoid triggering Facebook’s fake account detection mechanisms. Those caught creating fake accounts risk having all their associated accounts deleted or even potential legal prosecution in serious violations.