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Can a Facebook page join a Facebook group?

Can a Facebook page join a Facebook group?

A Facebook page and a Facebook group are two different types of profiles on Facebook. Both allow you to connect with people, but they serve different purposes. So can a Facebook page join a Facebook group? The short answer is no, a Facebook page cannot join a Facebook group as a member. However, a page admin can join a group with their personal profile and then post in the group as the page. Here’s a more detailed look at the differences between pages and groups on Facebook and how they can interact.

Facebook Pages vs Groups

What is a Facebook Page?

A Facebook page is a public profile that allows businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, artists, bands, etc. to have an official presence on Facebook. Pages can be liked and followed by any Facebook user. When you like or follow a page, updates from that page will appear in your News Feed. Some key features of Facebook pages include:

– Pages are public profiles visible to anyone on Facebook.
– Anyone can like or follow a page to see its posts.
– Pages have administrators who manage and post content.
– Pages can create public posts viewable by all followers.
– Pages can run ads and boost posts to reach more people.

What is a Facebook Group?

A Facebook group is a private community on Facebook. Group members must request to join or be added by an admin. Groups allow for more intimate discussions and connections between smaller sets of people. Some key features of Facebook groups include:

– Groups are private spaces – you must join to see content.
– Group members can post and comment within the group.
– Groups have admins who manage memberships and posts.
– Group discussions and posts are only visible to members.
– Groups cannot run ads or boost posts.

So in summary, pages are public profiles used by entities to have an official presence, while groups are for bringing defined sets of people together into a more private community.

Can a Facebook Page Join a Group?

With the differences between pages and groups in mind, can a Facebook page join a group as a member?

The answer is no, a Facebook page cannot join a Facebook group.

Pages and groups represent two different types of accounts on Facebook. A page acts as a public figure, brand or business, while a group is for private discussions between individuals.

When you create a page, it exists as its own identity on Facebook. A page cannot take on the identity of an individual user account and join groups, comment in groups, or RSVP to group events, as those are actions specific to personal user profiles.

So while a page cannot directly join a group, there are still ways for pages to participate in groups, which we’ll look at next.

How Can a Page Post in a Group?

While a Facebook page cannot become a member of a group, a page can interact with a group in a few different ways:

Option 1: An Admin Joins the Group

The person who manages the Facebook page can join the group with their personal profile. Once they are a member, they can post in the group as the page by switching the audience when they create a post.

To switch audiences when posting:

– Click Create Post at the top of the group
– Select the audience dropdown under the text box
– Choose the page you manage instead of your personal profile
– The post will now be shared as the page to the group members

This allows page admins to participate in discussions and post page updates directly into a group, even though the page itself is not technically a member.

Option 2: Tag the Page in a Post

Members of a group can tag a Facebook page in their posts or comments within the group. Page admins will then get a notification that their page has been tagged.

The page can see the post where they are tagged but cannot interact directly in the group. However, tagging a page keeps them looped into the conversation.

Option 3: Invite a Page to a Group Event

If a group creates an event, they can invite a Facebook page to be one of the event hosts or co-hosts. This allows the page to be visible on the event details and updates.

Again, the page itself cannot RSVP or post within the event, but this allows for event coordination between a group and page.

Should a Page Join Groups?

Now that we’ve looked at how pages can participate in groups in limited capacities, should page owners be joining relevant groups to engage with their target audiences?

Here are some pros and cons for pages interacting with Facebook groups:


– Increased visibility – posting pages updates and interacting directly in groups can increase engagement and reach more potential page followers.

– Targeted audience – groups often form around specific topics or demographics, allowing pages to tap into highly-relevant audiences.

– Making connections – engaging within a niche group can help pages network and build relationships with influencers.

– Insights and feedback – pages can take part in group discussions to gain valuable insights into their industry, competitors, and audience interests.


– Time investment – posting quality content and engaging with group members takes time and consistent effort.

– Risk of irrelevant or negative feedback – if group discussions go off-topic or negative, pages may not want to be looped in.

– Appearing promotional – pages have to focus on providing value to group members and not just promoting themselves.

– Difficulty tracking ROI – the return on investment from group engagement can be difficult to track and measure for pages.

So in the right niche groups that align with a page’s target audience, engaging as a page admin can provide benefits. But less relevant groups may not be worth a page’s time and effort.

Best Practices for Pages in Groups

If you manage a Facebook page that you would like to engage with via Facebook groups, here are some best practices:

Join Relevant Niche Groups

Seek out and join groups specifically targeted to the interests, demographics, and goals of your page. Avoid spammy engagement in broad irrelevant groups.

Contribute Value

Offer advice, expertise, resources, and insights when engaging in group discussions as a page. Avoid overt self-promotion or constantly redirecting to your page.

Build Relationships

Take time to get to know group members, admins, and influencers. Form connections that go beyond promotion.

Monitor Discussions

Keep up with group conversations regularly. Reply when tagged or relevant to your page. But allow group members to guide discussions.

Follow Group Rules

Review and follow all group guidelines regarding self-promotion, engagement etiquette, and admin requests.

Track Performance

Use Facebook Analytics to track page growth, reach, and engagement from participating in relevant niche groups over time.


While Facebook pages cannot become full members of Facebook groups, page admins do have options to post, engage with, and monitor relevant groups as their page. This can increase visibility and allow pages to connect with their target audiences.

With a strategic and value-focused approach, while following group guidelines, Facebook groups offer great opportunities for pages to grow their audiences and make authentic connections around shared interests and goals.