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Can a Facebook group exist without an admin?

Can a Facebook group exist without an admin?

Facebook groups are an incredibly popular feature on the social media platform, allowing users to come together in digital communities organized around shared interests, locations, affiliations and more. With over 1.8 billion monthly active users on Facebook, groups have become a vital way for people to connect and engage with each other online.

At the core of every Facebook group is at least one designated admin or moderator. This person is responsible for overseeing the group, managing members and content, and generally keeping things running smoothly. So an important question arises – can a Facebook group exist without having an admin or moderator?

The Role of the Admin

When a group is created on Facebook, the person who starts it is automatically given the admin role. They have the ability to add other admins or moderators to help manage the community.

Some of the key responsibilities of being a Facebook group admin include:

  • Approving posts and comments before they are publicly visible to the group
  • Adding and removing members
  • Promoting other members to admin/moderator roles
  • Creating and enforcing rules for the group
  • Deleting inappropriate content
  • Responding to member questions and concerns
  • Engaging members through posts and comments
  • Promoting and growing the group by inviting new members

The admin essentially serves as the leader and decision-maker for all aspects of group management. They have full control over the group. Without an actively engaged admin, many groups would quickly become overrun with spam, irrelevant or offensive posts, and misbehaving members.

What Happens When a Group Has No Admin?

On occasion, a Facebook group may find itself without an admin. This can occur for a few different reasons:

  • The original admin leaves the group permanently
  • The admin deactivates their Facebook account
  • The admin passes away
  • Facebook disables the admin account or removes admin privileges

When a group no longer has an admin, it enters a kind of “no-man’s land” without clear leadership or oversight. So what exactly happens in this situation?

Here are some potential consequences of a Facebook group having no admin:

  • Pending posts and comments remain in approval limbo indefinitely
  • No one can add or remove members
  • No one has delete privileges so spam/offensive content remains
  • Scammers and bad actors can overrun the group
  • The group loses purpose and focus without engaged management
  • New admins cannot be appointed
  • Rules cannot be created or enforced

Essentially the group exists in a kind of “frozen” state, with content remaining visible but no one able to actively moderate. Things will remain unchanged until an admin claims control of the group again.

Can a Group Be Deleted Without an Admin?

If a Facebook group finds itself admin-less, users may begin to wonder if the group can be deleted altogether without anyone in charge. The answer is no.

Facebook does not allow groups to be deleted unless it’s done so by an admin of that community. The only other way is if Facebook disables the group themselves if they deem it violating their terms of service.

So a group without an admin is stuck in limbo, but cannot be erased completely. The only options are to have an admin come in to take over, or wait and see if Facebook takes any action.

What Users Can Do In a Group Without an Admin

While many group functions are limited without an active admin, regular members can still do a few things:

  • View existing content and conversations
  • Post comments and reactions
  • Share group posts to their own News Feed
  • Report inappropriate content to Facebook
  • Hide posts they don’t want to see
  • Invite friends to join the group

Essentially members can participate in group conversations, but they have no powers of moderation. All content rules are suspended until claimed by an admin.

How to Take Over a Facebook Group as Admin

If you find yourself a member of an active Facebook group with no admins, you may want to take it upon yourself to fill that vacant leadership position. Here are the steps to become a group admin when none exist:

  1. Go to the group’s About section
  2. Look for the option “Request to be Admin”
  3. Click this and fill out the form to submit a request
  4. Wait for Facebook to review and approve the request
  5. If approved, you will be notified and given full admin permissions

This process could take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks depending on how quickly Facebook reviews the case. There’s no guarantee your request will be approved, but in most cases for groups without admins Facebook is likely to grant admin powers so the group can be properly managed again.

Tips for Taking Over an Admin-Less Facebook Group

Once you’ve been approved as an admin for a group that’s been unmanaged, here are some tips to get things under control again:

  • Remove spam and offensive content – This tends to build up when there’s no admin oversight.
  • Engage with members – Make posts introducing yourself and share your vision for the group.
  • Appoint new moderators – You’ll need help managing a larger group.
  • Review pending content – Clear the backlog of posts and comments awaiting approval.
  • Create community rules – Decide what content is allowed and not allowed.
  • Limit membership – Consider approving new members so spammers don’t overrun the group.

Essentially you’ll need to do all the jobs a typical admin would handle in order to restore order and get the group thriving for its intended purpose again.

Converting a Group to a Page Without an Admin

Some groups without admins consider converting the group to a Facebook Page rather than group. The main appeal is that Pages can be claimed more easily by members compared to reclaiming admin privileges in a group.

Here is the process to convert an admin-less group to a Page:

  1. Join the group you want to convert
  2. On desktop, click the “…” menu in the group
  3. Select “Convert to a Page”
  4. Choose an appropriate Page category
  5. Name the Page and click “Confirm”

Once converted, you will become the admin for the new Page with the ability to manage and moderate it fully. This strategy can work well for both taking over a defunct group, or transforming an active one into a Page.


To summarize the key points:

  • An active admin is crucial for a Facebook group to function properly
  • Without an admin, content cannot be moderated and the group loses direction
  • Groups cannot be deleted unless done by an admin or Facebook themselves
  • Regular members have limited capabilities in a group with no admin oversight
  • Users can request to become a group admin if none exist
  • Converting a group to a Page allows claiming it as an admin more easily

Overall a Facebook group is not likely to thrive or survive for long without engaged administrators. But if you find yourself in a group going adrift, there are solutions for getting things on track again.

Pros of having an admin Cons of not having an admin
Can approve/remove members No oversight of spam accounts
Can delete inappropriate content Offensive posts and comments remain visible
Can promote on-topic conversations Group loses focus and goes off-topic
Adds/trains new moderators No new admins can be appointed
Creates and enforces rules No rules or enforcement of rules
Engages and guides community Members become inactive without engagement

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a member take over a Facebook group without an admin?

Yes, members can request to become the group admin if none exist. Facebook reviews these requests and will generally approve them so the group can be properly managed.

What happens to pending posts and requests when a group has no admin?

All pending content (posts, comments, member join requests, etc) will stay in limbo indefinitely until an admin reviews and approves/declines them. Nothing new will be visible in the group.

Can members add new admins if there are none?

Unfortunately no. Without an active admin, no new roles can be assigned. An existing admin must add new ones.

Should I leave a group that has no engaged admins?

If the group is overrun with spam, inactive, or you’re unable to flag inappropriate content, it may be best to leave the group. Without an active admin, moderation and community guidance will be very limited.

What’s the maximum number of admins a Facebook group can have?

Facebook allows groups to have a maximum of 15 administrators at any one time. But there’s no limit on the number of moderators.

How can I tell if a group has an active admin?

Signs of an active admin include new posts, comments and rules from the admin, timely approval of content and membership requests, and engagement with members.

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook groups rely on admins for proper management and oversight.
  • Without an admin, groups exist in a frozen, unmoderated state.
  • Members have limited capabilities in a group with no admins.
  • However, members can request to become the admin to revive a group.
  • Converting a group to a Page also allows member ownership.

A thriving Facebook group needs engaged administrators to guide the community and keep things on topic. But even if a group finds itself admin-less, there are paths forward to restore proper management.