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Can a Facebook account with two-factor authentication be hacked?

Can a Facebook account with two-factor authentication be hacked?

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to protect Facebook accounts from unauthorized access. However, no security system is completely foolproof. With enough effort and resources, hackers may be able to circumvent two-factor authentication on Facebook.

How does two-factor authentication work on Facebook?

When two-factor authentication is enabled on a Facebook account, the user needs to provide two different forms of identification to log in:

  • Something they know – like a password or passcode
  • Something they have – like a code sent to their phone or an authentication app

So even if a hacker somehow learns the user’s Facebook password, they still won’t be able to access the account without also having access to the user’s phone or authentication app.

What methods could hackers use to bypass two-factor authentication?

Here are some ways that hackers might be able to circumvent two-factor authentication on Facebook:

Phishing for login credentials and authentication codes

Hackers could try to trick the user into revealing their Facebook login credentials and authentication codes through phishing emails, texts, or fake login pages. If the hacker is able to obtain both the password and an authentication code, they could potentially access the account before the code expires.

SIM swapping to intercept authentication codes

If the user has their Facebook authentication codes sent to their phone via SMS, hackers could try to do a SIM swap and transfer the phone number to a device they control. This would allow them to intercept any SMS-based authentication codes sent by Facebook.

Using authentication cookies

Hackers who are able to infect the user’s device with malware may be able to steal Facebook browser cookies that allow access to the already authenticated account. This bypasses the need to enter login credentials entirely.

Accessing the user’s trusted devices

Facebook allows users to designate “trusted devices” that do not require two-factor authentication every time. If a hacker can get access to one of these trusted devices, such as the user’s home computer, they may be able to bypass two-factor and directly access the account.

How likely is each hacking method to succeed?

Hacking Method Likelihood of Success
Phishing Moderate – relies on user falling for scam
SIM swapping Low – difficult to pull off for average hacker
Using cookies Moderate – requires malware on user’s device
Accessing trusted device High – hackers have full access once on trusted device

As shown in the table, phishing and malware attacks have moderate chances of success, while SIM swapping is more difficult for average hackers. But gaining access to a trusted device makes it highly likely the hacker can bypass two-factor and access the Facebook account.

How can users protect their Facebook accounts?

Here are some tips users can follow to better protect their Facebook accounts even when using two-factor authentication:

  • Use strong and unique passwords – Makes passwords harder to crack through brute force.
  • Be wary of phishing attempts – Don’t enter login info on unverified pages or provide codes to strangers.
  • Lock down trusted devices – Use strong passwords/passcodes and keep malware protection updated.
  • Use app-based authentication – More secure than SMS-based codes.
  • Turn on login approvals – Require manual approval of new logins.
  • Check login history – Monitor unauthorized access attempts.

The bottom line

While two-factor authentication makes hacking Facebook accounts more difficult, it is still possible in some cases for persistent hackers to circumvent. Users should enable two-factor for better security, but also be vigilant against phishing attempts and keep trusted devices locked down. Enabling additional options like login approvals and monitoring the login history can also help boost account security.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is two-factor authentication completely hack-proof?

No security system is completely foolproof. While two-factor authentication does improve security, it can still be bypassed by sophisticated hackers in some cases.

Do I have to use two-factor to secure my Facebook account?

Two-factor authentication is optional on Facebook, but highly recommended. Without it, accounts are much more vulnerable to unauthorized access via stolen or cracked passwords.

What’s the best way to receive authentication codes?

Using an authentication app like Google Authenticator or Authy is more secure than relying on SMS text messages, which can be intercepted if your phone number is hijacked.

If I get a new phone, will I be locked out of Facebook?

When setting up two-factor authentication, Facebook has you generate backup codes that can be used to regain access if you lose your phone. You can also use backup methods like authentication apps or trusted contacts.

Is two-factor authentication turned on by default?

No, users have to actively enable two-factor authentication from their Facebook account settings. It is not turned on automatically.


Two-factor authentication is an important security tool that adds an extra layer of protection beyond a password alone. However, users should be aware it is still possible for hackers to circumvent two-factor in some cases with sufficient time and resources. Using methods like authentication apps, monitoring your login history, and securing trusted devices can help maximize Facebook account security.