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Can a Facebook account deactivate on its own?

Can a Facebook account deactivate on its own?

This is a common question that many Facebook users have wondered about at some point. Facebook accounts going inactive or deactivating without the user’s input does seem to happen from time to time, leading some to speculate that accounts can in fact deactivate on their own.

What does it mean for a Facebook account to deactivate?

When a Facebook account is deactivated, it is no longer visible to other users on Facebook and cannot be used to log in or post content. However, deactivation is temporary – the account, along with all of its data and content, remains stored on Facebook’s servers. The account can be reactivated at any time by logging back in with the correct password.

Deactivation is different than permanently deleting an account, which removes it entirely from Facebook’s system. With deactivation, the account is essentially put into an inactive state but remains recoverable.

Reasons a Facebook account may deactivate

There are a few reasons why a Facebook account may become deactivated without the user proactively choosing to deactivate it:

  • Inactivity – If an account goes unused for an extended period of time, Facebook may automatically deactivate it due to inactivity. The threshold appears to be about 6 months to a year without logging in.
  • Violation of Facebook’s terms – Accounts that violate Facebook’s terms of service, such as by spamming others, may be deactivated by Facebook.
  • Security precautions – Facebook may deactivate accounts it believes have been hacked or compromised as a security measure.
  • Glitches – Very rarely, a technical glitch could cause Facebook to inadvertently deactivate someone’s account.

Can Facebook deactivate an account without notice?

Facebook’s policy states that they will provide notice before deactivating an account for violating their terms. However, accounts made inactive due to prolonged inactivity may be deactivated without notice.

Facebook does state that if they disable an account for policy violations, they will notify the user with instructions to request a review of the decision.

How long does an inactive Facebook account remain before deactivating?

Facebook has not provided exact details on how long an inactive account will remain intact before being deactivated. Based on anecdotal reports, it appears that at least 6 months, and in most cases 12 months or longer, of no logins or activity is required before Facebook will automatically deactivate an account.

Does Facebook send warnings before deactivating an inactive account?

Facebook does not typically send warnings or alerts before automatically deactivating an account due to prolonged inactivity. The deactivations happen without notice in most cases.

However, if an account is at risk of deactivation for inactivity, logging in even briefly can reset the inactivity timer and prevent the account from being deactivated.

Can a deactivated Facebook account be reactivated?

Yes, in most cases a deactivated Facebook account can be temporarily reactivated by simply logging in with the correct email/password:

  • Go to and click “Log In”
  • Enter your email and password that were associated with the deactivated account
  • Facebook will reactivate your account and prompt you to confirm it is you trying to log in
  • Once logged in, be sure to use the account normally, such as posting an update, to reset the inactivity timer

This will successfully reactivate your account if it was deactivated due to prolonged inactivity. However, accounts deactivated for violations of Facebook’s terms may require going through an appeals process before being restored.

Steps to prevent Facebook from deactivating your account

To prevent your Facebook account from being deactivated unexpectedly, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Log in at least once every 6 months – Simply logging in briefly resets the inactivity clock.
  • Update your profile picture/info periodically – Making updates shows active use.
  • Post updates, comment on posts – Interacting keeps the account active.
  • Check notifications – Reviewing notifications resets the timer.
  • Use Facebook mobile app – The app can trigger activity more regularly.

Following these tips should keep your account from being deactivated due to inactivity, as long as you log in a minimum of once every 6 to 12 months.

Can a deactivated Facebook account be deleted permanently?

A deactivated Facebook account can still be permanently deleted, which removes all of the account’s data from Facebook’s servers. To do this:

  1. Log back into the deactivated account
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Your Facebook Information > Deactivation and Deletion
  3. Click “Permanently Delete Account” and follow prompts

Once permanently deleted, the account cannot ever be retrieved or reactivated. Facebook states it may take up to 90 days for the data to be fully removed from their systems and backups.


While Facebook accounts do sometimes get deactivated without the direct action of the user, this is in most cases due to prolonged inactivity over many months or years, not a sudden or unprompted deactivation. As long as you log into your account periodically, at least every 6 to 12 months, it is unlikely it would become deactivated on its own unexpectedly. Stricter vigilance is warranted for accounts that have sensitive information or a high number of followers.