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Can a business page manage another business page?

Can a business page manage another business page?

This is a common question for businesses and organizations that have multiple Facebook pages. The short answer is yes, a business page can manage another business page on Facebook.

Why would a business want to manage multiple Facebook pages?

There are a few main reasons a business may want to manage multiple Facebook pages:

  • The business has separate brands or divisions and wants a unique page for each.
  • The business operates in multiple locations and wants a local page for each location.
  • The business offers different products or services and wants to segment content by topic.
  • The business manages pages on behalf of clients as part of their social media management services.

Having separate pages allows businesses to customize content, engagement and advertising for each target audience. It also allows fans to follow and engage with the content most relevant to them.

How can a business page manage another page?

There are two main ways that a business page can manage other Facebook pages:

1. Using a Facebook Business Manager account

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that allows you to manage multiple Facebook pages, ad accounts and Instagram profiles from one centralized dashboard. To set up Business Manager:

  1. Go to and create a Business Manager account using the primary company email and Facebook profile.
  2. Under the Business Settings, add the other Facebook pages you want to manage by searching for them or entering the page URLs.
  3. Accept admin role requests from the added pages when prompted.
  4. In Business Manager, you can now access all connected Facebook pages and ad accounts to post, monitor analytics, run ads and more.

2. Adding a second page admin

You can add another Facebook page as an admin on a page by:

  1. Going to the Facebook page you want to manage and clicking Settings > Page Roles.
  2. Entering the profile or page URL under Add Admins and selecting the Admin role.
  3. The connected page accepts the admin invitation and now has access to post, edit settings and manage roles.

This allows two-way management between the pages. The downside is you can only add one additional admin this way.

What permissions does a second page admin have?

A page admin added through Business Manager or page roles has the same level of access as the original page admin. They can:

  • Post content, respond to comments and messages
  • Change page settings and edit page roles
  • View page analytics and create ads
  • Add apps and edit page templates/design
  • Publish as the page name and access inbox messages

Basically, a second admin has full management access as if they created the page themselves. The only restriction is they can’t delete or transfer ownership of the page without the primary admin’s consent.

Can you tell if a page is managed by another page?

There are a couple ways to identify if a Facebook page is managed by another page:

  • Look at the page’s About section – some pages list their parent company or brand here
  • Check the page admin names by clicking Page Transparency under the page’s About section
  • See if the page name changed recently, indicating new ownership
  • Look for similar branding, content style or marketing across pages for the same parent brand

However, it’s not always obvious. Many company pages manage local pages without listing them publicly as affiliates. The page transparency only shows the current admins, not whether they’re associated with separate pages or brands.

Are there risks to managing multiple Facebook pages?

There are some risks to be aware of with managing multiple Facebook pages:

  • Content overlap: Copying the same content across pages can appear spammy to Facebook and risks pages being penalized.
  • Security: Compromised credentials gives access to all connected pages and accounts.
  • Reputation: Issues with one page can spread to other affiliated pages.
  • Resources: Managing many pages requires more time, staff and budget to maintain.

Best practices like using unique content, strong passwords, social media policies and organizational structures help mitigate these risks.

5 tips for effectively managing multiple Facebook pages

Here are 5 tips for businesses to manage multiple Facebook pages successfully:

  1. Have separate page editors and content plans tailored to each audience.
  2. Use social media management tools to streamline publishing and monitoring.
  3. Create guidelines for branding, tone of voice and messaging consistency.
  4. Monitor analytics across all pages to identify opportunities.
  5. Establish internal communication for coordinating initiatives and campaigns.

Facebook page management tools

Platforms like Facebook Business Manager, Creator Studio and third-party social media management tools can help with managing multiple Facebook pages. Useful features include:

Tool Key Features
Facebook Business Manager Central dashboard, unified inbox, cross-posting, page/ad account management
Facebook Creator Studio Content planning calendar, engagement insights, inbox management
Hootsuite, Sprout Social Post scheduling, analytics, team collaboration, social customer care

Automation tools like chatbots and social media publishing apps can also save time managing multiple pages.

Examples of businesses managing multiple Facebook pages

Some examples of larger companies successfully managing multiple Facebook pages:

  • Starbucks – Main brand page, regional/local pages, menu/product pages
  • Walmart – Corporate page, regional pages, Walmart Museum page
  • Pizza Hut – Global, country-specific and local community pages
  • The Home Depot – Main brand, homedecor account, THDPro for pros
  • Best Western – Corporate page and individual hotel locations

These demonstrate how different pages can be utilized based on geography, product focus or audience segments.

Can a personal profile manage a Facebook business page?

Yes, a personal Facebook profile can be granted admin access to manage a Facebook business page. To do this:

  1. Go to the business page and click Settings > Page Roles
  2. Under Add Admins, enter the personal profile URL and select Admin
  3. The profile will receive a notification to confirm admin access
  4. The profile can now manage the page as an admin based on Facebook’s Page Controller Addendum

However, best practice is to use a separate business profile tied to the company email and accounts.

Can you have two business managers?

Technically yes, you can have two Facebook Business Manager accounts. However, Facebook recommends having just one Business Manager for easier management.

If you do need multiple Business Managers, such as for different business divisions or clients, best practice is to:

  • Use separate business emails and profiles for each
  • Clearly name each Business Manager account
  • Only give page/ad account access to relevant team members
  • Segment permissions and visibility within each Business Manager

You cannot merge two Business Managers together. The main limitation is you can only link one Business Manager to an Instagram profile.

Can you switch a Facebook page to a different business manager?

Yes, Facebook pages can be switched from one Business Manager to another. To do this:

  1. Remove the page as an asset in the old Business Manager
  2. Open the new Business Manager and re-add the page
  3. Accept the admin request on the page

However, there are a few limitations:

  • Ads history will not carry over
  • Instagram accounts must be disconnected before switching
  • It can take up to 48 hours for the page to fully transition

All other page roles, apps, and settings will remain unchanged.

Can you merge Facebook pages?

No, there is currently no way to officially merge two existing Facebook pages together. Pages are intended to represent unique brands, businesses or entities.

If you need to consolidate pages, the only option is to:

  1. Select a primary page to keep
  2. Export key information from the secondary page
  3. Manually re-add fans from the old page to the new one via invites/sharing
  4. Delete or hide the old page

This can be time-consuming for larger pages. There are some third-party tools that can help but results vary.

Can you hide a Facebook business page?

Yes, Facebook page admins have the option to hide a business page from public view temporarily or indefinitely.

To hide a Facebook page:

  1. Go to the page and click Settings
  2. Under General, click Page Visibility
  3. Select “Hide Page” and confirm

The page will no longer show up in searches or to non-admins. You can reverse this at any time to make the page public again.

Hiding a page can be useful if:

  • Closing down a business location
  • Rebranding the page
  • Doing major maintenance on the page
  • Consolidating pages

Be sure to inform fans prior to hiding a page so they know why it disappeared from their feeds.

Pros and cons of managing multiple Facebook pages

Here are some key pros and cons of managing multiple Facebook business pages:


  • Customization for different brands, locations and audiences
  • More targeted content, engagement and advertising
  • Increased visibility, reach and followers
  • Separation allows strategic pivot of specific pages


  • More time and resources needed for managing
  • Potential for content and messaging inconsistencies
  • Administrative complexity with multiple logins and tools
  • Risk of security issues or account bans affecting all pages

With the right strategy, resources and organizational process, businesses can often maximize the pros and minimize the cons.


Managing multiple Facebook pages offers businesses more flexibility, reach and opportunities to connect with their target audience. While requiring more effort to maintain, the use of pages for different locations, brands and segments aligns with how people consume content today.

Utilizing tools like Facebook Business Manager, social media management platforms and organizational best practices enable you to streamline processes. This allows you to operate Facebook pages more efficiently while still maintaining customized experiences.