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Can a blocked account see you on Facebook?

Can a blocked account see you on Facebook?

Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to control who can see their profile information and posts. If you block someone on Facebook, they will no longer be able to see the things you post or search for your profile. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook:

  • They will no longer be able to see things you post on your timeline
  • They won’t be able to search for your Facebook profile or view your timeline
  • They won’t be able to start conversations with you on Messenger
  • Any Facebook friend requests or messages from them will be automatically rejected
  • You won’t receive notifications or calls when the blocked person tags you, likes or comments on your posts, or mentions you

Essentially, blocking someone prevents them from interacting with you and hides your posts, profile info, and activity from their view. It’s as if you don’t exist to them on Facebook anymore.

What can a blocked person still see about you?

There are some exceptions where a blocked person may still be able to see some info about you on Facebook:

  • If you comment on a mutual friend’s post and your comment is set to public, the blocked person will be able to see your comment.
  • If you are tagged in a post or photo by a mutual friend, the blocked person will be able to see that post and your tag.
  • If you post in a Facebook group that includes the blocked person, they will still see your group posts and activity.
  • They may still be able to see some info about you if viewing Facebook while logged out.

So while blocking prevents someone from seeing your personal profile and timeline, some of your public activity may still show up if you have mutual connections.

Can a blocked person tell if you’ve blocked them?

In most cases, no. Facebook does not directly notify or indicate to users if they have been blocked by someone else. However, the blocked person may be able to figure it out based on the following signs:

  • Your profile and posts completely disappear from their view.
  • Messages and friend requests to you start showing as “undelivered”.
  • They are unable to tag you or invite you to events.
  • They may stop seeing your comments on mutual friends’ posts.

So while Facebook doesn’t directly tell them, an observant blocked person could put the pieces together and realize you’ve blocked them if they notice any of these changes.

Can you see posts from a profile you’ve blocked?

No, when you block someone on Facebook you are completely unable to see any of their profile information, posts, or activity. It’s as if their account doesn’t exist to you anymore. The only exception is if a mutual friend has liked or commented on the blocked person’s post, you may see that activity in your newsfeed without seeing the actual post.

What happens when you unblock someone on Facebook?

If you later decide to unblock someone on Facebook:

  • They will regain access to view your profile and timeline posts.
  • Any previous messages between you will again show up in your inbox.
  • You’ll start receiving notifications again when they interact with your posts and profile.
  • Things generally go back to how they were before you blocked them.

Unblocking restores their ability to see your Facebook activity just like any other friend or follower. They may also realize that you had previously blocked them if they notice your profile and posts reappear.

Can you re-block someone?

Yes, you can always block someone again after unblocking them. Just go back to their profile, click on the three dots at the top right, and select “Block” to block them again. You can block, unblock, re-block as many times as you want.

How do I know who I’ve blocked on Facebook?

To see a list of all the users you’ve blocked on Facebook:

  1. Go to your profile and click on “Settings”.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, click “Blocking”.
  3. This will show you a full list of all users you’ve blocked on Facebook.

This list can be useful if you want to unblock someone but can’t remember who you had blocked in the first place.

Can a blocked Facebook user create a new account?

Yes, there is nothing stopping a blocked person from simply creating a new Facebook account. They could then try to view your profile or send you a friend request using that account.

To prevent harassment from a blocked person’s new account:

  • Adjust your privacy settings to be more restrictive.
  • Be cautious accepting friend requests from accounts you don’t know.
  • Block any new accounts created by the blocked person.

There is no way to permanently ban someone from viewing your Facebook or creating new accounts. You just have to be diligent about blocking any new accounts they make.

Should you notify someone that you’ve blocked them?

There is no obligation to inform someone that you have blocked them on Facebook. In many cases, it may be better not to notify them at all. Reasons you may not want to tell them include:

  • Avoid further conflict or harassment from the person.
  • Prevent them from creating new accounts to circumvent the block.
  • They will find out anyway once they notice your profile disappear.
  • No need to engage with someone you want no contact with.

However, in some civil situations such as ending a relationship, it may be courteous to let them know you’ve blocked them to prevent confusion.

Can a Facebook block cause legal issues?

In most cases, blocking someone on Facebook will not raise any legal issues. Under U.S. law, companies like Facebook have a right to ban users at their discretion, and users have the right to block whomever they want.

However, issues could arise in cases such as:

  • Blocking someone could be a violation of a court order.
  • Blocking a co-owned business account without consent.
  • Lawsuit for defamation if a block is publicized.

In general though, blocking another personal profile for your own privacy purposes is your right and should not lead to legal troubles.


Blocking someone on Facebook is an effective way to prevent them from viewing your profile and activity. While they may still see some of your public posts, blocking largely removes you from their view. A blocked person could figure out they are blocked by your disappearance but cannot tell definitively. And you can always unblock or re-block the person later on. Just be aware that they could create a new account to get around the block if they are determined enough.

In summary:

  • Blocking hides your profile and posts from someone.
  • Some public activity may still show up.
  • The blocked person will not get a notification.
  • You can unblock and re-block at any time.
  • Be cautious of new accounts they may create.

With Facebook’s blocking features, you have control over your privacy and can restrict unwanted interactions. But blocking requires some continued diligence on your part as well.