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Best time to post reels on instagram wednesday?

The best time to post reels on Instagram on Wednesdays is typically between 11 AM and 1 PM. This midday time frame tends to see higher engagement from users who are browsing Instagram during their lunch breaks. Posting during peak usage hours allows your reels to be seen by more people right when they are most active on the platform.

Why Post Reels on Wednesdays?

In general, Wednesday is considered one of the best days of the week to post content on Instagram. Engagement rates tend to be higher midweek when many users are taking a break from work or school. Here are some key reasons why Wednesdays are ideal for reels:

  • Weekday algorithm boost – Instagram’s algorithm favors new content posted midweek.
  • Midweek user engagement – Users tend to be more active browsing and engaging with content on Wednesdays.
  • Avoid weekends – Posting later in the week allows your reels to build momentum before the weekend when usage typically declines.
  • Prepping for the weekend – Users are starting to make plans and look for inspiration for their weekend activities.

Posting reels when engagement is highest allows you to maximize the number of likes, comments, and shares your reels receive. The boost of initial engagement then signals to Instagram’s algorithm that your content is worth showing to more users in your niche.

Ideal Reel Content for Wednesdays

Since Wednesdays fall in the middle of the work week, light-hearted and entertaining content tends to perform best.

Consider making reels with:

  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • Funny outtakes or bloopers
  • Q&As or AMAs
  • User-generated content
  • polls and surveys
  • Sneak peeks and teasers of upcoming content
  • Tips and hacks for weekday productivity

This type of engaging content can provide a quick break for users during their workday. Useful reels with actionable tips also tend to be popular midweek as people look for productivity and organization inspiration.

Best Times to Post Reels on Wednesdays

Now that we’ve covered why Wednesdays are ideal for reels, what are the best times to post them? Here is an overview of when to schedule your reels:


Early morning can be a good time to post educational and informational reels that set users up for a productive day ahead. However, engagement tends to be lower first thing in the morning.

Best times: 7 AM – 9 AM


The midday window from 11 AM – 1 PM sees a huge boost in engagement as people browse Instagram on their lunch breaks. Post entertaining and eye-catching reels during these peak usage hours.

Best times: 11 AM – 1 PM


Engagement remains relatively strong through the afternoon as people look for a distraction from work. Funny reels and inspiring content do well during this time.

Best times: 1 PM – 4 PM

Early Evening

The time right after work and before dinner tends to be another small peak as people relax and unwind from their day. Relatable and light-hearted reels are recommended here.

Best times: 5 PM – 7 PM


In the evening, engagement starts to drop off as people focus on their personal lives and prepare for the next day. Unless you have an audience who engages with your content later at night, it’s best to avoid this window.

Best times: 8 PM – 10 PM

Optimizing Your Reels for Maximum Views

In addition to posting at the best times, make sure your reels themselves are optimized for success. Here are some quick tips:

  • Use eye-catching thumbnails – Bright colors and high contrast grab attention in the reel feed.
  • Hook viewers in the first 3 seconds – Frontload the most engaging part of your clip to start strong.
  • Use relevant hashtags – Improves discoverability and helps you reach your target audience.
  • Add entertaining captions – Well-written, witty or informative captions boost engagement.
  • Use trending audio – Pop culture music and meme sounds tend to perform better.

Analyzing Performance and Iterating

Posting consistently on Wednesdays allows you to analyze what types of reels resonate best with your audience. Make sure to check back on your analytics after 24-48 hours to see:

  • Views – How many people watched your reel?
  • Likes and comments – Did people actively engage?
  • Saves – Were people inspired to save your reel?
  • Shares – Did viewers share your reel to their own profiles?

Compare reels with higher engagement to ones that underperformed. This can reveal insights into your audience’s preferences that will allow you to improve over time.

You can then take those learnings and iterate when creating and scheduling future Wednesday reels. It takes consistency and a willingness to try new things to find out what resonates best with your Instagram audience.

Use Scheduling Tools to Plan Ahead

Scheduling your reels in advance takes the pressure off posting at the right times on Wednesdays. Social media management tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Planoly allow you to pre-plan your entire reels content calendar.

Simply load your drafted reels into your calendar, then schedule them to be posted at the optimal engagement windows mentioned above. This ensures your reels will be hitting Instagram right when your audience is most active without you needing to manually post each one.

Getting your reels out at the right time on Wednesdays is crucial for growth and engagement. By following these best practices for when to post, paired with compelling and entertaining video content, you can connect with more of your ideal viewers on Instagram.

Check your analytics, keep iterating, and have fun with it! With the right reel strategy tailored to Wednesdays, you can build meaningful connections and loyal followers on this fast-growing social media platform.