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Best time to post reels on instagram: tuesday?

The best time to post reels on Instagram depends on your goals and target audience. While Tuesday at 11 AM can be a good option, the optimal posting time varies for each account.

Why Tuesday at 11 AM for Instagram reels?

Posting on Tuesday around 11 AM has a few potential advantages for reels:

  • Weekday engagement is higher than weekends, with Tuesday typically seeing strong traffic.
  • Mid-morning often sees users casually browsing during breaks at school or work.
  • You can take advantage of algorithms favoring recent, timely content.
  • Creators often post over the weekend, so posting on Tuesday stands out.

In summary, Tuesday 11 AM hits the sweet spot of moderate-high traffic, engaged browsing, and low competition. Your new reels have a good chance of performing well and being seen by many of your followers.

When to post for different goals

While Tuesday morning is a safe option, tailor your posting strategy to your goals:

Going viral and reaching new accounts

For maximum visibility, post at prime Instagram usage times when the most accounts are active. The best times for virality are:

  • Tuesday-Friday from 11am-1pm.
  • Monday-Thursday from 7pm-9pm.

These slots see heavy traffic from active personal accounts. Your reels can gain initial traction and be pushed by the algorithm.

Driving engagement from your followers

If you want to engage your existing audience, post when your followers are most active. Analyze your account Insights to find your top hours for engagement. Typical best times are:

  • Early afternoons on weekdays around 2-5pm.
  • Evenings from 7-10pm daily.

Adjust based on your audience’s lifestyle. For example, post in the morning if you have mostly student followers.

Increasing brand awareness

For brands looking to raise awareness, target working professionals during weekday commute times:

  • Monday-Friday early morning 6-9am.
  • Monday-Thursday evenings 5-7pm.

These windows have high traffic from people heading to and from school or work.

Optimal times for different industries

Consider your niche when deciding when to post. Some industries see different ideal timings:

  • Food: 11am-1pm drives hungry viewers.
  • Fashion: 8-10am for outfit inspiration before work.
  • Fitness: 5-8am for those working out in the morning.
  • Travel: 7-10pm when people are relaxing and dreaming of trips.

Research competitors in your niche to spot any industry-specific trends.

Other factors for the best time to post reels

While the day and time are important, consider these other factors for the ideal posting strategy:

Your ideal audience’s routine

Analyze when your target viewers are most likely to be on Instagram, then post reels in those windows for maximum impact.

Your reel content and goals

Consider what action you want viewers to take. A promotional reel may work best during browsing times, while an educational reel could do well in the evening when people are absorbing content.

Current events and holidays

Time your reels around events your audience cares about, like holidays, pop culture moments, or current issues.

Instagram algorithm changes

Keep an eye out for any algorithm shifts that may impact optimal posting times on Instagram.

How to find your best reel posting time

While Tuesday 11 AM is a safe bet, the ideal time differs for every account. Use these tips to determine your optimal timing:

  • Test posting at different times and days, and compare engagement.
  • Check your Instagram Insights to see when your existing followers are most active.
  • Analyze competitors in your niche to identify any industry trends.
  • Ask your audience directly when they are most likely to watch your reels.
  • Track your top-performing reels to spot any timing patterns.

Once you identify the best times, you may wish to use an Instagram scheduling tool to plan reels in advance and post them automatically at the ideal times.

Should you only post on Tuesdays?

While Tuesday at 11 AM is a good general recommendation, you should not limit all of your reel posting to a single day and time. Here are some tips:

  • Post multiple times per week to stay top of mind.
  • Vary your posting schedule to reach different time zones.
  • Test different days and times to compare performance.
  • Schedule a mix of planned posts and more spontaneous timely content.

A consistent yet varied posting approach will help you maximize the impact of your Instagram reels.

Key Takeaways

  • Tuesday at 11 AM is a popular recommendation, but optimal timing differs for each account.
  • Consider your audience, reel goals, and industry to choose the best times.
  • Use Instagram Insights, competitor research, and testing to find your ideal timing.
  • Post on multiple days at varied times for the best results.

Be flexible and strategic with your Instagram reel posting times. While Tuesday morning is a safe standard, analyze your audience insights to determine your own perfect timing.