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At what point does Facebook pay you?

At what point does Facebook pay you?

Facebook is a popular social media platform that allows users to connect with friends, share content, and build communities. While many people use Facebook just for fun or to stay in touch with others, there are ways to actually earn money on the platform as well. Here are some key points about earning money on Facebook and when users can start to generate income.

Monetizing a Facebook Page

One of the most common ways to earn money on Facebook is by monetizing a Facebook Page. If you build a large following for your Page based on an industry, interest, or passion, you may be able to monetize the audience over time. There are a few ways to monetize a Facebook Page:

  • Selling advertising: Once your Page hits a certain number of followers (usually at least 10,000+), you can enroll in Facebook’s Branded Content ad programs. This allows you to sell sponsored posts and branded content on your Page to advertisers.
  • Affiliate marketing: Include affiliate links to products and services within your Page posts. If followers click and make a purchase, you earn a commission.
  • Selling your own products: Directly sell your own digital or physical products to your Page followers.

So at what point can you start earning money? In general, you’ll need to grow the Page to 10,000+ followers before having access to Facebook’s monetization programs. The more followers you have, the more revenue potential there is.

Facebook Ad Campaigns

In addition to monetizing a Page, some Facebook users are able to earn money by running Facebook ad campaigns. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Promoting affiliate offers: You can promote affiliate links and offers through Facebook ads to earn commissions on sales.
  • Promoting client offers: If you manage Facebook ad campaigns for businesses and clients, you take a cut of the ad spend as revenue.
  • Promoting your own offers: Run ads that promote your own products, services, events, etc. and make money directly from the leads and sales.

There is technically no minimum audience size needed to start earning money through Facebook ads. But in general, you’ll need some budget to spend on the ads in order to generate returns. Expect to spend at least $100-200 on ads initially while testing and optimizing your campaigns.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace allows users to post and sell various products and services directly through the platform. As a user, you can earn money selling on Marketplace with just a few initial steps:

  1. Take high quality photos of the items you want to sell.
  2. Write detailed descriptions of each item, including the price, location, etc.
  3. Post the items for sale in the Marketplace section.
  4. Communicate with interested buyers via Messenger.
  5. Close sales and earn money (Facebook takes no commission).

So there is no minimum audience or following size needed to earn money on Marketplace. You can start posting items for sale right away as an individual Facebook user.

Facebook Gaming and Live Videos

Facebook offers users the ability to stream live gaming content and other videos. There are a couple ways you can monetize this:

  • Fan subscriptions: Fans can pay a monthly fee to subscribe to your gaming or video content.
  • Stars: Fans can purchase and send virtual Stars as tips during your live streams.
  • Ad revenue: Longer streamed videos can display ads and generate revenue.

To unlock fan subscriptions and Stars, you’ll need to have at least 10,000 followers and meet other partnership requirements. So the ability to earn money comes after you build up an initial audience.

Facebook Creator Studio

Facebook’s Creator Studio provides monetization tools specifically for content creators posting videos to Facebook Pages or in Facebook Groups. Creators can earn money through:

  • In-stream ads on videos
  • Facebook Reels Play bonus programs
  • Star rewards during live streams
  • Paid online events, subscriptions, and badges

To access Creator Studio features, you’ll need to apply for and be approved as a content creator. So similar to other monetization methods, you need a baseline audience to unlock earning potential.

Facebook Payments

Facebook Payments allows users to send each other payments for goods/services or gifts. Users can earn money by:

  • Requesting payments from friends or for owed money
  • Accepting payments for selling products/services
  • Accepting gifts of monetary value

There are no audience or account requirements to use Facebook Payments. Any user can send or accept payments through the platform immediately.

When Can You Start Earning Money?

To summarize the key points:

Monetization Method Requirements to Earn Money
Monetizing a Facebook Page 10,000+ page followers
Facebook Ad Campaigns No minimum, but need ad budget
Facebook Marketplace No requirements
Facebook Gaming/Videos 10,000+ followers
Creator Studio Approval as a content creator
Facebook Payments No requirements

As you can see, most monetization methods require building up a sizable Facebook audience to unlock earnings potential. However, options like Facebook Marketplace, ads, and payments allow you to earn money immediately with no or very low minimums.

Maximizing Your Earnings

Here are some tips to maximize how much you earn on Facebook once you begin monetizing:

  • Post engaging, high-quality content consistently to keep growing your audience and reach.
  • Understand your niche and target audience deeply so you can market effectively to them.
  • Analyze performance data frequently and double down on what’s working.
  • Build relationships and community with followers – engaged audiences are more likely to buy.
  • Diversify your monetization strategies instead of relying on just one.
  • Promote your Facebook presence off-platform too to drive more traffic.
  • Stay on top of Facebook’s algorithm changes that impact reach.

While earning money directly through Facebook does require some strategy and patience, the platform provides a plethora of monetization opportunities for regular users once you understand the options.


There are a variety of methods for earning money directly through Facebook as a user. While some options like monetizing a popular Page or earning gaming revenue require 10,000+ followers to unlock, other methods like Facebook Marketplace, ads, and payments allow you to get started right away. Consistently creating engaging content, growing your audience, and diversifying your monetization strategies are key tactics to maximize how much you earn on Facebook over time.