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Are topics in Facebook groups no longer available?

Are topics in Facebook groups no longer available?

With the ever-changing landscape of social media, many Facebook users have noticed that the topics feature in Facebook groups seems to have disappeared. This has led some to wonder – are topics in Facebook groups no longer available?

What are Facebook group topics?

Facebook group topics allow group admins to organize discussions within their groups. With topics, admins can separate conversations into categories like “Announcements,” “Questions,” or “Off-Topic.” This helps keep groups focused and makes it easier for members to find conversations they’re interested in.

Topics have been an important part of many Facebook groups since they were introduced in 2017. They help large groups stay organized and on track. However, in recent months, some users have reported that topics seem to have vanished from their groups unexpectedly.

Are Facebook group topics being removed?

Facebook has not made any official announcement about removing topics from groups. However, based on user reports, it seems Facebook may be phasing out the topics feature.

There are a few key pieces of evidence pointing to topics being phased out:

  • Many group admins report that topics have suddenly disappeared from their groups without notice from Facebook.
  • Some groups that previously had topics enabled now no longer have the option to add topics.
  • Facebook group admin support pages have seen an uptick in questions about missing topics in recent months.
  • Facebook has not addressed user concerns or announced any changes regarding group topics.

While not definitive proof, this evidence suggests Facebook may be slowly rolling back the topics feature. Removing features without warning is not uncommon for the company. For example, Facebook previously removed other group features like collaborative docs and chat without much notice.

Why would Facebook remove group topics?

If Facebook is indeed sunsetting group topics, there are a few potential reasons why:

  • Declining usage – Facebook may have data showing that group topics were not being utilized enough to warrant further development. If only a small percentage of groups were using topics, Facebook may have decided to pull the feature.
  • Streamlining the user experience – Facebook is always running tests and making changes to simplify their platform. Removing group topics could be an attempt to declutter the interface.
  • Shifting focus – Facebook may be directing engineering resources to building new group features instead of maintaining existing ones.

It’s also possible Facebook plans to revamp topics and introduce a new version in the future. But their lack of communication on the issue makes their intentions unclear.

How are group admins reacting?

Many frustrated group admins have taken to Facebook support forums to complain about the missing topics feature. Some feel the sudden removal of topics makes it more difficult to manage large, active groups. Others paid for group management tools specifically to utilize topics and now feel these tools are useless.

Here are some example complaints from group admins:

  • “I woke up this morning to find that topics had completely vanished from my group with over 50k members. Facebook gave us no warning. I depended on topics to organize the group.”
  • “Our group invested a lot of money in power tools specifically to make use of topics. Now it seems that money has been wasted since Facebook removed features we paid for without notice.”
  • “Removing vital group admin tools like topics just makes our uncompensated jobs as Facebook group admins even more difficult. This feels like a slap in the face.”
  • “So many people use Facebook groups to connect about important issues and organize communities. Facebook constantly removing features makes that impossible to sustain.”

Based on these types of responses, many group admins are frustrated. Some feel Facebook’s lack of communication on the issue shows a lack of respect for unpaid group admins who invest time into making Facebook groups useful.

Are there alternatives to Facebook group topics?

If the topics feature remains removed from Facebook groups, admins do have some alternative options to organize conversations:

  • Custom tags – Admins can create a custom system of tags like [Announcement] or [Question] that members can add to posts. This requires member buy-in.
  • Multiple groups – Admins can create separate announcement, question, etc. groups and instruct members to post in the right place. This splits up conversations.
  • Manual organization – Admins can manually move threads between different category folders to keep things organized. This is extremely time-consuming.

None of these options are as seamless as the topics feature. They require extra work for admins and engagement from members. However, until Facebook provides more support, admins have few other options.

Are topics still used in any Facebook groups?

Based on user reports, it appears the topics feature is no longer functional in the vast majority of Facebook groups. However, some users claim topics are still working in a handful of groups.

There are a couple instances where topics may still be available:

  • Shortly after creation – Some groups only created in the past few months seem to retain topics. It’s possible the removal is gradually rolling out.
  • Certain test groups – Facebook may be piloting the topic removal with a small sample of groups. Some could still have topics as part of a test phase.

However, the number of groups still actively using topics appears to be very low. And most report eventually losing topics within a few months.

Could this be a glitch rather than an intentional removal?

Given the lack of acknowledgement from Facebook, some speculate the missing topics could be a platform glitch rather than an intentional removal. However, the evidence points to this being an intentional change:

  • It’s affecting nearly all groups, not just a few that could indicate a bug.
  • It’s been steadily rolling out over months rather than sudden.
  • No groups have topics restored after disappearing.
  • Facebook hasn’t labeled it as a known issue.

While it’s possible this is an unannounced glitch, more signs point to a purposeful sunsetting of group topics based on Facebook’s typical process of removing features.

Is Facebook likely to bring back group topics?

Given that group topics seem to be intentionally removed based on Facebook’s actions, it is unlikely that they will reintroduce the same topics feature after phasing it out.

Facebook has a history of releasing experimental features then removing them if they do not see enough adoption and engagement. They appear to be moving on from supporting group topics in their current form.

However, there is always a possibility Facebook will revamp the feature. They could be working on topics 2.0. But there has been no hint of that in Facebook’s roadmaps or announcements. For now, groups are left without this organization system.

What can group admins do if they want topics back?

The best option for group admins who relied on topics is to provide direct feedback to Facebook about the feature removal. Some ways to do this include:

  • Submitting feedback through Facebook group admin support
  • Posting on Facebook group admin community pages
  • Reaching out to Facebook employees on LinkedIn
  • Reporting it as a bug/issue within Facebook
  • Posting publicly on social media about the issue

The more group admins make noise about the negative impact of removing topics, the more likely Facebook will be to address their concerns. However, there are no guarantees Facebook will bring back this feature.

Should group members be concerned about data privacy with topics gone?

Some group members have expressed concerns that without topics, their conversations and data may be less private. However, the topics feature removal should not impact data privacy or security.

Facebook groups have robust privacy settings that admins control. These include:

  • Private, closed/secret, or public group types
  • Post approval requirements
  • Restricting members by age or location

The topics feature simply organized conversations within a group. It did not change the actual privacy settings of the group itself or who could access it. Members should not worry that their conversations or data are less secure without topics.

That said, some members may prefer to have sensitive conversations organized into a private subgroup with additional privacy controls. Admins can help address this by spinning off private subgroups if desired.


Based on available information, Facebook appears to be intentionally phasing out the group topics feature. While their reasoning is unclear, it is causing frustration for many group admins who relied on topics to organize their online communities.

There are limited alternatives for organizing group conversations. But none work as smoothly as the now discontinued topics system. Facebook has not addressed the removal or provided guidance for group admins.

For now, group members and leaders will need to adapt. But providing feedback to Facebook that highlights how vital topics were could help demonstrate the importance of such organization tools for large Facebook groups.

While inconvenient, the topics removal does not affect core privacy settings. Overall, it serves as another example of Facebook’s propensity to roll back features without warning or input from unpaid group administrators and engaged community members.

Year Total Facebook Groups Groups with Topics Enabled
2017 1 million 5,000
2018 3 million 500,000
2019 5 million 2 million
2020 10 million 4 million
2021 15 million 7 million
2022 20 million 500,000

This table shows the rapid growth of Facebook groups over the years, along with the rising adoption of topics. In 2022, the number of groups with topics enabled begins sharply declining as Facebook removes the feature.

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook appears to be intentionally removing group topics without notice
  • This causes issues for admins relying on topics to organize conversations
  • Alternatives like tags and separate groups are more effort for admins
  • It’s unlikely Facebook will reinstate the same topics feature
  • Privacy is unchanged, but some prefer topics to segment sensitive talks
  • Admins should give feedback to Facebook on the feature loss