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Are there still secret Facebook groups?

Are there still secret Facebook groups?

In the early days of Facebook, it was common for people to create “secret” groups that were invitation-only and did not show up in searches. The purpose of these groups was to create a private space for sharing content and discussions that members wanted to keep hidden from the general public on Facebook.

While Facebook has cracked down on this practice over the years, secret and private groups do still exist on the platform today in 2023. However, they operate differently and are much more difficult to maintain than they used to be.

What are secret Facebook groups?

A secret Facebook group is a private group that does not show up in any searches, does not appear in members’ profiles or news feeds, and requires an invitation to join. This allows members to share content and have discussions without anyone outside the group being aware of its existence.

In the early years of Facebook, creating secret groups was easy – admins simply had to toggle a setting that made the group “secret” and unsearchable. Members could find and request to join secret groups through word of mouth or direct invitations from existing members.

The main purposes of secret Facebook groups included:

  • Sharing confidential information privately
  • Organizing restricted access communities
  • Coordinating events without public knowledge
  • Allowing controversial or niche discussions away from public visibility

For example, some secret Facebook groups were created for discussing and coordinating activism or protests. Others facilitated cheating or restricted cultural discussions. Secret groups allowed almost anything to be shared behind closed doors.

Why did Facebook crack down on secret groups?

While secret groups served many innocuous purposes, they were also abused by some users to share objectionable, dangerous, or illegal content away from scrutiny. Some examples of misuse over the years included:

  • Sharing revenge porn or leaked private data
  • Coordinating hateful or abusive activities
  • Promoting dangerous misinformation
  • Organizing criminal enterprises or drug dealing

In an effort to reduce harmful secret groups and promote transparency, Facebook gradually introduced restrictions like:

  • Preventing private groups from being made fully invisible in searches
  • Requiring group admins and moderators to go through approval
  • Limiting invite links that could be shared outside Facebook
  • Giving Facebook right to access and monitor private group content

Essentially, Facebook recognized that totally unrestricted secret groups had too much potential for abuse at scale. While wanting to maintain private community options, the company felt it had a responsibility to limit tools that enabled harm.

How do modern secret groups on Facebook operate?

While fully invisible secret groups are no longer possible, people have found creative workarounds to form “quasi-secret” groups on Facebook today. Some examples of how modern private groups maintain secrecy include:

  • Using obscure, innocuous names that don’t signal a group’s real purpose
  • Controlling membership carefully to keep out anyone who might report the group
  • Spreading invites only via word-of-mouth or other private channels
  • Deleting and remaking groups regularly before Facebook notices them
  • Using coded language to obscure objectionable discussions

However, these new forms of secret groups are much more vulnerable to exposure than they used to be. Facebook’s AI and moderators are able to detect many signals to uncover abusive groups, even without seeing all content.

Some other Facebook changes that disrupted secret groups included:

  • Linking user profiles to real identities and locations
  • Analyzing networks of group membership and admin roles to detect sketchy patterns
  • Letting users report suspicious groups easily
  • Banning group creators who make too many policy-breaking groups

As a result, maintaining a secret Facebook group today often takes constant vigilance, admin coordination, and luck in avoiding Facebook’s evolving detection systems.

What are some examples of modern secret Facebook groups?

Here are a few categories of groups that commonly attempt to fly under the radar on Facebook in current times:

Controversial hobby groups

Groups focused on dangerous hobbies like risky parkour stunts or violent fringe sports will try to maintain secrecy to avoid negative scrutiny.

Protest and activism groups

Groups coordinating civil disobedience keep plans quiet to gain an advantage over opponents. This includes groups on both sides of hot button issues.

Parenting groups

Parents use secret groups to vent frustrations and exchange unsavory tips without children or spouses finding out.

Addiction support groups

People struggling with drugs, alcohol, gambling, or other vices form anonymous groups to discuss issues and relapses honestly.

Religious schism groups

Believers splitting from mainstream religions discuss controversial doctrines away from leaders’ oversight.

Paranormal groups

People share paranormal experiences and theories about aliens, magic, and other fringe topics while avoiding public mockery.

Conspiracy theory groups

Conspiracy theorists congregate in private to dig into complex alternative worldviews away from opposing facts and opinions.

Dating and relationship groups

Some casual dating groups aim to avoid prying eyes of jealous partners who may misunderstand activities.

Illegal activity groups

Unfortunately, certain illegal markets still operate secretly on Facebook until getting caught.

The diversity of these examples illustrates the ongoing desire for private digital community even within public social networks like Facebook.


In summary, here are some key points on the state of secret Facebook groups today:

  • Fully hidden groups no longer exist, but quasi-secret groups still form using workarounds
  • Maintaining secrecy requires constant effort to avoid Facebook’s detection
  • Groups form around controversial hobbies, activism, parenting, addiction, religion, paranormal, conspiracy theories, relationships, and illegal activities
  • Facebook continues updating its systems to uncover abusive secret groups
  • People still desire privacy for sensitive discussions despite Facebook’s restrictions

The cat-and-mouse game between secret communities and Facebook’s moderation means this ecosystem continues to evolve quickly. But the basic human desire for both public and private social spaces is unlikely to change anytime soon.

So for now, the short answer is yes – there are still groups on Facebook that strive to remain secret, despite the platform’s policies against it. Only time will tell how this balance plays out in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find secret Facebook groups to join?

You generally need an invitation link or approval from a group admin to join secret Facebook groups today. Some ways to get access include:

  • Asking friends if they belong to any private groups they could invite you to
  • Reaching out to admins of similar public groups requesting an invite
  • Scouring Google and social media for hints pointing to invite links
  • Joining related public groups and engaging until a member offers access

However, with Facebook limiting invite links, finding secret groups is much more challenging than it used to be.

What are signs that a Facebook group is secret?

Some signals that a Facebook group may be trying to remain under the radar include:

  • A generic, unremarkable name
  • Very few posts and members visible even after joining
  • Conversations alluding to or referencing content not visible in the group
  • Admins repeatedly emphasizing privacy and secrecy
  • Sudden unexplained changes to the group name or members

In most cases, true secret Facebook groups reveal their actual nature only to members who pass vetting and follow security protocols.

Can I get in legal trouble for participating in secret Facebook groups?

It depends on the activities of the group. Most secret hobby, support, and discussion groups generally operate legally. However, joining groups that coordinate clearly illegal activities like financial fraud or drug trafficking can put you at risk.

Facebook cooperates with authorities investigating serious crimes originating on its platform. So understand the true purpose and scope of any secret groups you join to avoid potential legal issues.

What precautions can I take in secret groups?

Here are some tips for staying safe and private in secret Facebook groups:

  • Use a secondary Facebook account not tied to your real identity
  • Provide limited personal information even to fellow group members
  • Refrain from overtly illegal or objectionable content
  • Frequently delete your messages and activity traces
  • Avoid associating with sketchy groups likely to be exposed

Ultimately, total secrecy and privacy on Facebook may be impossible given their systems. But precautions can help reduce exposure risk.

Are secret groups only on Facebook, or on other social platforms too?

The concept of secret and private groups exists across most major social platforms, not just Facebook. For example:

  • Private Twitter groups and Discords servers
  • Unlisted YouTube and Instagram accounts
  • Anonymous subreddits and Quora Spaces
  • Encrypted Telegram and WhatsApp chats

People desire spaces for candid sharing across all social media. But each platform takes its own approach to balancing this with transparency and oversight.

What does the future look like for secret social groups online?

With privacy and anonymity becoming more prized online, there will likely always be ways for determined users to carve out secret digital spaces. However, social platforms will also continue improving detection to limit illegal activities.

Potential emerging technologies like blockchain-based social networks could make secrecy easier again. But in the mainstream, strict moderation seems likely to constrain truly private online groups.

In the long run, social norms may shift to reduce stigma around many topics, reducing need for secrecy. But human nature suggests secret social groups are unlikely to disappear entirely anytime soon.

Are secret Facebook groups good or bad for society?

Secret Facebook groups can enable both social good and harm:

Potential benefits include:

  • Allowing marginalized communities to exist safely
  • Facilitating support for stigmatized issues
  • Enabling secure coordination of activism
  • Reducing biases by sharing views anonymously

Potential risks include:

  • Spreading dangerous misinformation unchecked
  • Reinforcing extremist beliefs isolated from moderating forces
  • Planning harmful and illegal activities
  • Increased potential for hacking, doxxing, and privacy violations

In general, transparency and free speech tend to favor positive societal outcomes. But certain spaces may benefit from privacy, if responsibly moderated. As with most online phenomena, diligent oversight and accountability is needed to maximize benefits and minimize harm.