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Are there fake profiles on Facebook Dating?

Are there fake profiles on Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. Since its launch in 2019, Facebook Dating has grown in popularity, with millions of users worldwide. However, as with any online dating platform, the risk of encountering fake profiles is a concern for many users.

What are fake profiles?

Fake profiles, also known as catfishing profiles, refer to dating profiles that are created by someone misrepresenting themselves. This can include using someone else’s photos, providing false personal information, or fabricating entire personas. Fake profiles may be created for a variety of purposes, such as scamming or trolling other users. On Facebook Dating, fake profiles aim to deceive other users in order to gain matches, connections, and trust under false pretenses.

Evidence of fake profiles on Facebook Dating

There are several key indicators that suggest fake profiles exist on Facebook Dating:

  • User reports – Many users have reported encountering profiles that appear fake, such as attractive profiles with little personal information or profiles using celebrity photos.
  • Scam attempts – Some users have shared experiences of matched profiles attempting to lure them into financial scams or requesting inappropriate photos/information.
  • Profile inconsistencies – Questionable profiles may contain contradictory information or details that don’t align with the photos.
  • Spam-like behavior – Suspicious accounts often send generic messages to many users instead of personalized interactions.
  • Activity outside dating app – Fake profiles may lack recent posts/activity on the user’s Facebook account outside of the dating app.

While anecdotal reports indicate fake profiles exist, solid data on their prevalence is lacking. However, according to a 2021 survey by Piplsay, 61% of online daters reported believing they had encountered a fake profile.

Motivations behind fake Facebook Dating profiles

Here are some potential motivations for creating fake Facebook Dating profiles:

  • Romance scams – Scammers aim to develop online relationships for financial gain, often asking targets for money or sensitive information.
  • Catfishing – Catfishers fabricate identities to start relationships under false pretenses, often driven by loneliness or insecurity.
  • Trolling/harassment – Fake profiles may be used to send inappropriate messages or content to other users as a form of trolling.
  • Egocasting – Some create idealized fake identities to boost their ego through matches and messages.
  • Marketing/spam – Profiles may be fake accounts created to promote products, websites or services.
  • Underage usage – Teens may create fake adult profiles to bypass age restrictions.

Safeguards against fake profiles

Facebook employs some safeguards intended to reduce fake profiles:

  • Profile verification – Users may be asked to verify their identity by submitting a photo or government ID.
  • Reporting system – Users can report suspicious profiles for review by Facebook.
  • Algorithms – Facebook uses AI to detect and remove accounts exhibiting inauthentic behavior.
  • Customer support – Users can contact Facebook Dating support for assistance with concerns.

However, these measures are imperfect. Advanced fake profiles can be difficult for even AI to discern from real users. The onus largely falls on users themselves to identify and steer clear of potential fakes.

Best practices for spotting fake Facebook Dating profiles

These tips can help identify possible fake profiles:

  • Review profile carefully – Look for inconsistent details, overly generic content, or too-good-to-be-true attributes.
  • Reverse image search – Search profile photos to see if they appear elsewhere online.
  • Ask probing questions – Engage the user in deeper conversation to gauge authenticity.
  • Watch for scams – Be wary if asked for financial/personal information too quickly.
  • Check outside activity – Does the user have little activity or connections outside of Facebook Dating?
  • Report concerns – Flag suspicious accounts to Facebook for additional screening.

Risks of encountering fake profiles

Here are some potential risks to be aware of:

  • Catfishing – Fake profiles aim to manipulate users into emotional/romantic relationships under false pretenses.
  • Scams – Users could be tricked into providing money, gifts or sensitive information to scammers.
  • Blackmail – Users may be pressured into sending compromising photos that are then used for blackmail.
  • Harassment – Fake accounts can be used to send abusive messages or disturbing content.
  • Emotional distress – Interacting with fakes can be confusing, upsetting, embarrassing, and erode trust in others.

Protecting yourself from potential harm

These precautions can help mitigate risks:

  • Be skeptical – Assume profiles could be fake until built trust over time.
  • Guard personal information – Don’t share financial details, address, employer, etc.
  • Meet first in public – Don’t meet at home until establishing rapport.
  • Perform background checks – Research matches online to verify identity details.
  • Trust instincts – Don’t ignore red flags or proceed if something feels “off.”
  • Tell friends/family – Share match details and plans to meet for safety.
  • Report concerns – Notify Facebook of suspicious activity.

Facebook’s stance and policies

Facebook prohibits fake profiles and impersonation under its Community Standards policy. If detected, Facebook claims it will “disable accounts, remove content, and take other appropriate action.”

Facebook relies heavily on users reporting fake profiles in order to investigate and eliminate them from the platform. Users can report profiles as fake directly within the Facebook Dating app.

Facebook states that submitted reports are reviewed to “determine if it violates our Community Standards.” If confirmed as inauthentic, Facebook will “remove the profile so it can no longer interact with others on our services.”

The likelihood of encountering fakes

The exact prevalence of fake Facebook Dating profiles is unknown. With over 1.5 billion monthly active Facebook users worldwide, if even a small percentage are fake profiles, it still amounts to millions of accounts.

Various surveys estimate up to 10-15% of profiles encountered on dating apps are fake in some form. On Facebook Dating specifically, as a newer platform, fakes may be especially common as Facebook’s safeguards play catch up.

Ultimately, users should adopt a “trust but verify” approach. While most profiles are likely legitimate, the risk of encountering fakes exists on any dating platform.

Advice for using Facebook Dating safely

Here are some top tips for using Facebook Dating while minimizing risks from potential fake profiles:

  • Complete your profile – Fakers often have sparse profiles. Yours should showcase unique details, photos and text content.
  • Don’t rush – Take time vetting matches through full conversations before meeting offline.
  • Listen to intuition – Don’t ignore awkwardness or inconsistencies in interactions.
  • Conduct video chats – Assess mannerisms and responses before agreeing to meet.
  • Search online – Google matches’ names/photos to uncover false info.
  • Keep personal details private – Until trust is established, share limited personal or contact information.
  • Meet in public first – Don’t meet at home or private locations on early dates.
  • Tell friends about plans – Check in with friends or family when meeting offline.
  • Don’t send compromising content – Never send risqué photos or videos which could be misused.
  • Use common sense – If something seems too good to be true, it likely is.


Fake profiles certainly exist on Facebook Dating, as they do on most dating platforms. However, the majority of accounts are likely authentic. With knowledge of common fake profile tactics, smart use of platform safeguards, and trustworthiness vetting of matches, users can enjoy Facebook Dating while avoiding potential deception. Stay vigilant, but don’t let possibility of fakes discourage finding meaningful connections.