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Are there any general guidelines to use the Facebook logo?

Are there any general guidelines to use the Facebook logo?

There are some important guidelines laid out by Facebook regarding use of their trademark logo. Following these guidelines allows third parties to use the Facebook logo appropriately and avoid potential issues around trademark infringement.

What is the Facebook logo?

The Facebook logo is the word “facebook” written in a specific stylized font. The “f” is capitalized and the rest of the word is in lower case. The logo uses a blue color similar to Facebook’s overall blue theme. This unique logo is a registered trademark of Facebook.

Who can use the Facebook logo?

Facebook allows third parties to use their logo in some cases, as long as proper guidelines are followed. For example, developers can use the Facebook logo to promote Facebook integration in their apps or websites. Advertisers and partners may also be permitted to use the logo in collateral related to their relationship with Facebook.

However, the Facebook logo cannot be used by just anyone for any purpose. There are legal protections granted to trademark holders that aim to prevent unauthorized or improper use of logos. So Facebook places restrictions on how their logo may be used.

What are the guidelines for using the Facebook logo?

If you want to use the Facebook logo, there are specific rules you must follow:

  • You may not alter the logo in any way. It must look exactly as Facebook designed it.
  • You must have written permission from Facebook to use the logo, with certain limited exceptions.
  • The logo cannot be misleading, imply partnership with Facebook, or violate any law.
  • You must follow Facebook’s detailed branding guidelines for colors, spacing, effects, etc.
  • The logo cannot be used in an attacking, degrading, or overly promotional way.
  • Facebook can revoke permission to use the logo at any time for any reason.

Essentially, Facebook wants to control use of their logo to avoid misrepresentation of their brand or any potential legal issues.

When can you use the Facebook logo without permission?

There are some limited scenarios where the Facebook logo can be used without obtaining explicit permission:

  • In news stories, articles, and other media discussing Facebook factually
  • For promoting an app or service’s integration with Facebook Login or other tools like the Share button, as long as branding guidelines are followed
  • By Facebook’s certified sales partners to factually indicate their partnership status
  • In software documentation or presentations that accurately describe Facebook integration

However, for any prominent, mainstream, or commercial usage of the logo, you should obtain permission from Facebook to avoid trademark issues.

How do you get permission to use the Facebook logo?

To obtain Facebook’s permission to use their logo:

  1. Review Facebook’s detailed branding guidelines for preferred logo usage
  2. Email [email protected] with your request to use the logo, including details on where, how, and why you want to use it
  3. Facebook will evaluate your request and respond with approval or denial based on whether it meets their guidelines
  4. If approved, follow any specifications Facebook provides regarding logo usage
  5. Cease logo usage if Facebook revokes permission at any time

Facebook evaluates each logo use request individually, so permission is not guaranteed. Provide as much detail as possible to improve your chances of approval.

What are some examples of prohibited uses of the Facebook logo?

Here are some specific examples of improper uses of the Facebook logo that are prohibited:

  • Using the logo in a way that suggests Facebook officially endorses or sponsors you or your product
  • Placing the Facebook logo on the packaging of a commercial product
  • Changing the look of the logo in any way (color, font, etc)
  • Using the logo in your own trademarks, branding, or logo design
  • Using the logo in domain names or Facebook Page names
  • Using the logo in movies, TV shows, or other entertainment content
  • Putting the logo on merchandise like t-shirts and selling those products

Facebook may take legal action against improper use of their trademark. Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined earlier in this article.

Can you use the Facebook logo in ads or promotions?

Using the Facebook logo in any advertisements or promotional content requires written permission from Facebook. This includes:

  • Display ads promoting a Facebook presence
  • Print ads mentioning Facebook integration or promotion
  • Billboards or signs referencing Facebook
  • Website graphics touting connection with Facebook
  • Flyers, brochures, or mailers pointing users to Facebook

Facebook will evaluate whether the desired use of their logo aligns with their branding guidelines and promotes their products accurately. Usage in ads or promotions without permission can lead to legal action.

Can my company make our own version of the Facebook logo?

Creating your own version of the Facebook logo, even if somewhat altered, is not allowed under their trademark guidelines. This includes:

  • Changing the font or text of the logo
  • Altering the color or shading of the logo artwork
  • Animating or adding effects to the logo
  • Placing the logo inside or alongside your own shapes or branding

Facebook reserves the right to protect the integrity of their logo. Any unauthorized variations could dilute their trademark and brand identity. Limit customizations to what is allowed in Facebook’s detailed branding guidelines.

Can I use the Facebook logo in my app or website content?

The Facebook logo may be used in the actual content of your app or website in certain cases without permission, such as:

  • Alongside social media buttons/icons provided by Facebook
  • In instructional or conceptual illustrations of Facebook integration
  • In diagrams, wireframes, or prototypes depicting Facebook features
  • For on-boarding flows within an app guiding users through Facebook Login

However, do not use the Facebook logo in your own product logos, branding, or marketing materials without permission. Logo use in content should be informational, not promotional.

Can I reference the Facebook logo in text without permission?

You can make factual text references to the Facebook logo without permission from Facebook. For example:

  • “The app features integration with Facebook using the official Facebook logo”
  • “Click the icon with the blue Facebook logo to log in”
  • “Facebook’s square, blue logo was visible on the page”

However, you still may not use the actual Facebook logo artwork in these cases without permission. Factual text references do not violate Facebook’s trademark, but improper use of the logo still does.

What if I see the Facebook logo used without permission?

If you come across unauthorized use of the Facebook logo, you can report trademark violations by emailing [email protected]. Include details on where you saw the logo used improperly. Facebook will evaluate and take appropriate action if needed.

What disclaimers should I include with the Facebook logo?

If you obtain permission to use the Facebook logo, include disclaimers on any public usage to clarify the relationship with Facebook. For example:

  • “Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.”
  • “This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Facebook.”
  • “The Facebook logo is used with permission from Facebook.”

Proper disclaimers help avoid misrepresentation and protect you legally. Make them visible near any usage of the Facebook logo.


The Facebook logo is a valuable trademark that the company wants to protect. There are specific guidelines for properly using the logo laid out in their branding documentation. In summary:

  • Do not alter or make your own versions of the logo
  • Obtain written consent from Facebook for most uses of the logo
  • Follow Facebook’s precise specifications for color, size, placement, etc
  • Include disclaimers clarifying the relationship with Facebook
  • Improper use can lead to revocation of permission or legal consequences

With properhandling, integrating the Facebook logo cansupport brand identity and platform integration.However,respecting their trademark guidelines is crucialfor any third-partyusage.