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Are private Facebook profiles searchable?

Are private Facebook profiles searchable?

Whether or not private Facebook profiles are searchable is a common question many users have. The short answer is that it depends on the privacy settings the user has in place. Facebook offers users several options for controlling the privacy of their profile, which determines who can – and cannot – search for and view it.

Public Profiles

If a Facebook profile is set to “public,” it can be found and viewed by anyone on or off Facebook. Public profiles will show up in Facebook searches and can also be found through Google and other search engines.

Some key things to know about public Facebook profiles:

  • Anyone can see the user’s bio info, profile pictures, cover photos, posts, friends list, etc.
  • Public profiles can be shared via links and embedded on external websites
  • They are fully searchable on Facebook, Google, and other search engines

Users with public profiles have no control over who can access their information. Their profiles and content will be visible to all users on and off Facebook.

Private Profiles

If a Facebook profile is set to “private,” the user has much more control over who can view and search for their profile. Here are some key things to know about private Facebook profiles:

  • Only the user’s friends can see their full profile and posts
  • Private profiles do not show up in public Facebook searches
  • They will not appear in Google or other search engine results
  • Only friends can share and embed private profile links

With a private profile, users can limit access to their information to only their approved friends list. This prevents the general public, including strangers and search engines, from viewing their profile.

Profile Privacy Settings

Facebook offers privacy settings that allow users to control exactly who can see parts of their profile. This includes options like:

  • Public: Anyone can see this information
  • Friends: Only your friends can see this information
  • Friends except… Friends except specific people or lists
  • Specific friends: Only selected individuals can see this information
  • Only me: Only you can see this information

Users can set privacy settings for their bio info, featured photos, posts, friends list, and more. Stricter privacy settings result in a more private profile.

How Search Impacts Profile Privacy

Facebook’s search settings also impact profile privacy and visibility. Users can control whether or not they want their profiles searchable on Facebook itself. Options include:

  • Public Search: You can be found in public Facebook searches
  • Friends: Only friends can search for and find your profile
  • Friends except… Friends except specific people or lists

Disabling public searchability prevents strangers from locating your profile via Facebook search. However, it’s important to remember that your profile could still be visible to non-friends if your overall privacy settings are too open.

Steps to Make a Private Profile

Here is a summary of key steps to make your Facebook profile completely private and limit searchability:

  1. Go to your profile Settings & Privacy page
  2. Set your overall privacy to “Friends” or stricter
  3. Limit old posts and featured photos to “Friends” or stricter
  4. Disable public searchability of your profile
  5. Review friends list and trim anyone you don’t want seeing your profile
  6. Disable API access to your profile and content

Taking these steps will restrict your profile visibility to only your approved friends list. You can take it a step further by restricting certain information like photos or posts to “Only Me.” Just be aware that even private profiles may still be visible in some scenarios like mutual friend connections.

Are Private Profiles Completely Hidden?

While private Facebook profiles are hidden from public view, they are not completely invisible on Facebook. Here are some cases where parts of a private profile may still be accessible:

  • Mutual Friends: Friends in common with someone else may still be able to find you and see limited profile info.
  • Contacts Syncing: If contacts are synced, matches may be able to see your limited profile.
  • Event Guest Lists: If you RSVP to an event as “Going,” your name may appear on the publicly visible guest list.
  • Liked Pages: The list of pages you’ve “liked” may still be visible to the public.
  • Comments & Tags: Any comments you make or tags on public posts by friends may be visible.

While unlikely, there are limited cases where parts of a private profile could be visible. The only way to keep a 100% untraceable presence is to deactivate your Facebook account.


In summary, private Facebook profiles are hidden from public searches and only visible to a user’s approved friends list. While private profiles are much more limited in visibility than public ones, they may still have traces that are viewable in certain scenarios. Using Facebook’s privacy settings, disabling public searchability, and trimming friends lists can help maximize a profile’s privacy.