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Are fundraisers on Facebook legitimate?

Are fundraisers on Facebook legitimate?

With the rise of social media, online fundraisers have become increasingly common. Fundraising campaigns for medical expenses, charities, disaster relief, and other causes often rely on platforms like Facebook to reach a wide audience quickly and easily. However, this also opens the door for potential scams and fraudulent fundraisers. So how can you tell if a Facebook fundraiser is legitimate?

What are some signs that a Facebook fundraiser may be fake?

There are a few red flags that could indicate a Facebook fundraiser is not entirely legitimate:

  • The organizer is not someone you know personally or have an established connection with
  • There are no details about who the money is for, how it will be used, etc.
  • Images used appear copied/generic or cannot be verified
  • The fundraiser claims affiliation with a known charity or organization, but that entity has not endorsed or verified it
  • You find grammar/spelling errors or other indications of a hastily put together campaign
  • The fundraiser has an unusually high goal amount compared to the described purpose
  • There are few or no donations/comments from the organizer’s connections

Essentially, a lack of transparency around who is organizing the fundraiser and how donated funds will be allocated are potential red flags. If something seems vague, generic, or too good to be true, it may be best to steer clear.

What steps can you take to verify a Facebook fundraiser is legitimate?

If you want to donate to a fundraiser but are unsure of its validity, there are some steps you can take:

  • Check who created the fundraiser – is it someone you know and trust? Do they have a history of legitimate fundraising activities?
  • Look for specific details in the fundraiser description – who are the funds for? What will the money be used for? How much has already been raised?
  • Investigate the images used – do a reverse image search to see if they are copied from elsewhere.
  • Verify claimed affiliations by contacting the organization directly.
  • Look for organic engagement – are the organizer’s connections commenting, sharing, and donating?
  • Research the organizer online – are they credible or do they have concerning reviews/complaints?
  • Check for transparency in updates – does the organizer post how much has been raised and provide accountability on how funds are spent?

Taking these steps can help give you greater confidence in the fundraiser’s legitimacy before contributing. Contacting the organizer directly to ask questions can also provide more clarity.

What fraud protections exist on Facebook?

Facebook does have some measures in place to protect against fraudulent fundraisers:

  • Fundraisers must be created by real people with authentic accounts, not impersonators or fake profiles.
  • Organizers must comply with Facebook’s terms around transparency, such as disclosing the beneficiary and providing updates.
  • Facebook reviews fundraisers that receive a high volume of reports or flagging.
  • Donations go through Facebook payment processing with fraud protections.
  • Suspicious fundraisers may have donations temporarily paused while under review.
  • Facebook has a donated money guarantee, returning donations if a fundraiser violates their terms.

However, these systems are not perfect and fake fundraisers can occasionally slip through the cracks. As a donor, staying vigilant and proactive with verification is still important.

What are signs of Facebook fundraising scams and frauds?

Some common signs that a Facebook fundraiser may involve outright fraud or scamming donors include:

  • Using fabricated or stolen photos and backstories to generate sympathy
  • Impersonating individuals, organizations, or causes to appear legitimate
  • Providing vague or cryptic descriptions of who will receive the money
  • Listing unrelated/unverified bank accounts or payment methods for donations
  • Constantly restarting or duplicating fundraisers after reaching goals
  • Deleting fundraising campaigns suddenly without explanation
  • Aggressively pressuring/guilting people to donate through messages or posts
  • Offering sketchy incentives like gift cards or sweepstakes entries for large donations

These behaviors are all major red flags. Unfortunately, once donations are processed and transferred out, recovering lost money can be extremely difficult if a fundraiser turns out to be fraudulent.

How can you report suspicious or fake fundraisers on Facebook?

If you come across a fundraiser that appears dubious, misleading, or fraudulent, you can report it directly to Facebook:

  1. Click the three dots “More” menu in the fundraiser post
  2. Select “Report fundraiser”
  3. Choose the option “Fraud or scam” and submit your report

You can also report fundraising pages by going to and following their instructions.

Reporting suspicious fundraisers helps Facebook investigate and shut down any confirmed scams more quickly before more people are impacted. Make sure to include specifics on why you believe the fundraiser is fraudulent in your report.

What legal consequences can exist for fake Facebook fundraisers?

Operating fraudulent fundraisers or mishandling donated funds can lead to legal repercussions:

  • Facebook may sue fundraiser organizers for violations of terms and conditions.
  • Organizers may face charges of wire fraud, identity theft, or money laundering.
  • They can face civil lawsuits from donors and beneficiary organizations.
  • Jail time is possible depending on the laws they violate.
  • They may be ordered by a court to repay all misused and misdirected funds.

For outright scams that purposefully mislead people solely for financial gain, harsh civil penalties and even criminal prosecution can occur. This underscores the need to carefully verify any fundraising efforts first.

What are some tips to donate safely to Facebook fundraisers?

Here are some tips for safely donating through Facebook fundraising campaigns:

  • Only donate to fundraisers by people you know personally and trust.
  • Thoroughly read the fundraiser description before giving.
  • Look for specific details on use of funds and listed beneficiaries.
  • Check for organization endorsements if it claims affiliations.
  • Ask questions directly to the organizer if you need clarification.
  • See if the organizer’s own network is actively engaged in the fundraiser.
  • Check for updates and transparency as the fundraiser progresses.
  • Save receipts and records of your donations.
  • Report any suspicious behavior or inconsistencies in the fundraiser.

Staying vigilant protects both yourself and also other more vulnerable potential donors. If something seems questionable, it’s best not to contribute.

Are there reputable charity watchdog organizations that can help identify legitimate Facebook fundraisers?

Yes, consulting reputable third-party charity watchdog organizations can assist in verifying if a Facebook fundraiser is above board. Some good resources include:

  • Charity Navigator – Rates and provides accountability reports on over 8,000 charities. Can verify if a charity endorses a fundraiser claiming affiliation.
  • GuideStar – Database of IRS-registered nonprofits. Helps check legitimacy of claimed nonprofit partnerships.
  • BBB Wise Giving Alliance – Monitors charity accountability standards. Their reports indicate if an organization meets standards.
  • CharityWatch – Analyzes charity finances, governance, transparency. Gives letter grades to nonprofits.
  • ProPublica Nonprofit Explorer – Provides tax forms, expenses, and key data on nonprofits.

These objective third-party resources do the diligence to identify risks and reputable organizations. Checking whether a fundraiser’s claimed beneficiaries meet standards can help avoid scams.

How has the rise of social media impacted online fundraising fraud?

The rise of social media use has impacted online fundraising fraud in several key ways:

  • Easier creation of fake or imposter fundraising accounts
  • Ability to quickly share fundraisers and go viral
  • Difficulty tracking where donated funds ultimately end up
  • Anonymity and lack of donor familiarity with organizers
  • High volume of fundraisers makes oversight challenging
  • Scammers adept at using emotional pleas and images to exploit donors
  • Harder to verify medical emergencies, disasters, personal needs etc.

In short, social media enables fraudsters to cast an exponentially wider net for potential victims. Leveraging networks of friends and sharing means more visibility for scams. And less one-on-one familiarity between donors and organizers increases opportunities for deception and opacity. This requires extra vigilance when evaluating online fundraising campaigns.

What percentage of Facebook fundraisers are estimated to be fraudulent?

It’s challenging to pin down an exact percentage, but most experts estimate fraudulent Facebook fundraisers make up less than 5% of the total. One report from 2021 found that:

  • About 3-4% of medical fundraisers on Facebook raise legitimacy concerns
  • Around 2% show strong signs of being outright scams or hoaxes

So while the large majority of fundraisers are genuine, a small but significant fraction involve deceit to varying degrees. Maintaining skepticism and verifying organizers, beneficiaries, and uses of funds continues to be important when donating.


Facebook can be a powerful platform to harness the generosity of crowds for worthy causes. But where money is involved, the opportunity for abuse exists. Staying vigilant, using common sense precautions, and consulting objective third party resources when needed can greatly minimize risks. With care and prudence, social media can bring out the best in people and communities.