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Are Facebook Reels based on what you watch?

Are Facebook Reels based on what you watch?

Facebook Reels are short video clips that users can create and share on Facebook and Instagram. Reels allow creators to record multi-clip videos combined with audio, effects, and creative tools. Since their launch in 2020, Reels have become increasingly popular, especially among younger audiences.

But how does Facebook determine which Reels to show you in your feed? Are the Reels you see based on your interests and what you already watch? Let’s take a closer look at how the Facebook Reels algorithm works.

How the Facebook Reels Algorithm Works

Facebook uses a complex algorithm to determine which Reels to show each user in their feed. While the exact details of the algorithm are proprietary, Facebook has provided some insight into the main factors it considers:

  • Your interests and habits on Facebook – The topics, pages, groups, and accounts you engage with most determine your interest profile. Reels related to these interests are more likely to be recommended to you.
  • Popularity and engagement – Highly viewed, liked, commented on and shared Reels are given priority.
  • Recency – More recent Reels are favored over older posts.
  • Relationship to poster – You’re more likely to see Reels from accounts you frequently interact with.

So in short, the Reels you see are not random. Facebook picks them based on data about your activity and preferences on their platforms. But your interests are not the only factor – engagement and timing also matter.

Does Watching Certain Reels Lead to More of the Same Content?

Since the algorithm rewards engagement, it follows that watching, liking, commenting on or sharing certain Reels will lead to more content of that nature being recommended to you. The more you interact with dog Reels, fashion Reels, comedy skits etc., the more you are signalling to Facebook that you’re interested in that type of content.

Various experiments by influencers and marketing experts have proven this effect. In one test, a TikTok creator made a series of baking Reels. She then watched these Reels repeatedly on a new account with no prior activity. Within a day, her Reels recommendations were dominated by baking videos, despite no other indication that this account was interested in that topic.

The “Reels Tab” vs “Suggested for You”

Where Reels appear also impacts how your activity shapes recommendations:

  • Reels Tab: Displays popular and recent Reels. Your watch history has minimal impact here.
  • Suggested for You: Reels based on your interests and engagement. Watch history plays a major role in which Reels appear here.

So while the Reels Tab provides variety, the Suggested for You feed will quickly adapt based on the type of content you view and interact with.

How Long Does Your Reels Watch History Influence Recommendations?

Facebook has not provided specifics on how long your Reels watch history affects recommendations. However, their general guidance is that interactions have a stronger weight the more recent they are. So your watch history from the last few days or weeks likely has the biggest impact.

That said, interests you demonstrate over longer periods can still shape recommendations. If you consistently watch cat Reels over several months, even if spaced out, Facebook’s algorithm will associate you with that interest.

Experts recommend periodically clearing your watch and search history if you want to reset the algorithm and avoid getting stuck in a content bubble. But in general, recent weeks of activity have the strongest influence.

Tips for Adjusting Your Reels Recommendations

Here are some suggested tips if you want to shape the types of Reels showing up in your feeds:

1. Interact with Reels you want to see more of

Be sure to like, comment, share and watch your desired content. You can also follow specific accounts that post Reels aligned with your interests.

2. Use hashtags and keywords in searches

Proactively look for Reels using relevant hashtags or keywords so these signal to Facebook what you want to see.

3. Hide or “Not Interested” for unwanted Reels

Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of any Reel, then select “Hide” or “Not Interested” to remove that type of content from your feed.

4. Periodically clear watch history

You can clear your Facebook and Instagram watch and search history in the app settings periodically to reset recommendations.

5. Adjust ad interests

Edit your ad interests and topics in “Ads” settings so Facebook knows what topics to avoid promoting.

The Pros and Cons of Personalized Reels Feeds

Having your Reels feed tailored to your watch history has some pros and cons:


  • See more content you enjoy and fewer irrelevant Reels
  • Discover new accounts, trends and talents related to your interests
  • Spend more time watching content that aligns with your tastes


  • Can create a “bubble filter” limiting content diversity
  • Might miss new topics or trends you’d enjoy but haven’t watched yet
  • Have less control over what appears in your feed organically

Overall, most users seem to prefer some level of personalized recommendations. But it’s also helpful to proactively search topics and occasionally refresh your feed to escape the bubble.


Facebook’s Reels algorithm does tailor your feed based on your watch history and interactions. What you engage with shapes the content you see recommended. While recent weeks of activity have the strongest influence, consistent interests build up over time.

You can take advantage of personalized recommendations to see more of the content you like. But also search topics directly and periodically clear your history to ensure your feed stays fresh and balanced.

Understanding how the Reels algorithm works allows you to both benefit from its suggestions while still exercising control over your feed’s diversity.