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Are Facebook groups visible to others?

Are Facebook groups visible to others?

Facebook groups allow users to connect with others who share similar interests or experiences. When joining a Facebook group, users may wonder who can see that they’ve become a member. Facebook’s privacy settings determine how much of your activity in groups is visible to people outside that group.

Can people see what groups you are in?

In general, your membership in Facebook groups is not public information. People who are not members of a group cannot see who is in that group. Your list of groups is part of your profile and is only visible to your friends by default. However, group admins and moderators can see the full member list for any group they help manage.

Group privacy settings

There are three privacy settings for Facebook groups:

  • Public – Anyone can see the group, who’s in it and what members post.
  • Private – Only members can see who’s in the group and what they post.
  • Secret – Only members can find and see the group at all.

The group creator chooses the privacy setting when the group is formed. Members should be aware of these settings because they determine how visible their membership and activity within the group will be.

Ways your group membership could be visible

While your full list of groups is not public, there are some ways that your membership in specific groups could be visible to people outside that group:

  • If you interact with any public posts from a group, that activity may be seen by your friends and on the group’s public page.
  • If someone tags you in a post or comment within a private or secret group, that will be visible on your profile page.
  • Admins and moderators can add you directly to any group or share a link that shows you as a member.
  • Any friends who are also group members can see your membership and activity within the group.

Managing group visibility

Here are some tips for managing your visibility within Facebook groups:

  • Be selective about which groups you join based on how much you want that membership visible.
  • Look at the group’s privacy settings – public groups have the highest visibility.
  • Limit your interactions with public posts from private/secret groups when possible.
  • Customize your audience settings for any posts you make within groups.
  • Leave any groups that you don’t want friends or the public seeing you in.

Facebook group privacy and visibility settings

Group Type Who can see the group Who can see members & activity
Public Anyone Anyone
Private Only members Only members
Secret Only members Only members

This table summarizes the visibility settings for the three types of Facebook groups:

  • Public groups are visible to anyone and all activity is public.
  • Private groups can only be seen and accessed by members but all members can see each other’s posts.
  • Secret groups are invisible and access is restricted to members approved by admins. Membership and activity is only visible to people within the group.

Who can find hidden or secret Facebook groups?

Secret Facebook groups are specifically designed to give maximum privacy to members. The only ways to access a secret group are:

  • Being added directly by a group admin or moderator
  • Receiving an invite link from a current member
  • Searching for a group by its exact name (will only reveal groups you are eligible to join)

Secret groups do not appear in public searches, so only members can find or see the group. Group admins have full control over membership.

Can Facebook admins see everything you do in groups?

Group admins and moderators have elevated access to activity within their groups. They can see:

  • Full member lists including name, profile info and the date people joined
  • Activity from all members, even if posts are later deleted
  • Analytics about member posts and engagement within the group

However, group admins don’t have additional access to your general Facebook profile and activity outside their groups. They can’t see anything that regular friends wouldn’t be able to see about you.


In summary, your Facebook group memberships are generally private but could be visible in certain situations based on the group’s settings, your interactions, and your connections. Secret groups offer the most privacy, however admins and moderators of any group have elevated visibility into activity within their groups. Adjusting privacy settings and being cautious about public interactions can help minimize your visibility within Facebook groups.