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Are Facebook friends automatically followers?

Are Facebook friends automatically followers?

This is a common question for many Facebook users. When you become friends with someone on Facebook, does that automatically make you a follower of their profile? The short answer is no, Facebook friends are not automatically followers. There are some key differences between friends and followers on Facebook.

What is the difference between friends and followers on Facebook?

When you become friends with someone on Facebook, it means you are mutually connected on the platform. You will see their posts in your News Feed and they will see yours. You can directly interact with friends by commenting, liking, messaging, etc.

Followers on Facebook are more one-way. When you follow someone, you will see their public posts in your News Feed, but they will not necessarily see yours or be able to interact with you. It does not have to be a mutual connection. You can follow people like public figures, businesses, artists, etc. without being direct friends.

So in summary:

  • Friends – Mutual, two-way connection on Facebook
  • Followers – One-way connection where you follow someone’s public updates

When you become friends with someone new on Facebook, it does not automatically make you a follower of their profile. You have to specifically choose to “follow” them in order to get their updates in your feed without being direct friends.

Does following someone make them your friend?

No, following someone on Facebook does not automatically make them your friend. Even if you follow someone, they have to send you a friend request and you have to confirm it for them to become an actual friend.

Some key differences between following someone versus being friends:

  • As a follower, you can only see their public posts – not private updates restricted to friends only.
  • You can’t interact with followers on Facebook the same way as friends (restricted messaging, commenting, etc.)
  • The followed person is not automatically notified when you follow them.
  • Your list of followers is not as prominently displayed as friend connections.

So while following allows you to see someone’s public updates, it is not the same level of connection as a confirmed friend on Facebook. Following does not equal friendship on the platform.

How do you become friends with someone you follow?

If you want to become true Facebook friends with someone you are currently following, you need to send them a friend request. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the profile page of the person you want to befriend.
  2. Click the “Add Friend” button on their page. This will send them a friend request notification.
  3. If they accept your request, you will now be connected as friends.
  4. As a friend, you can now interact more deeply with their profile beyond just following their public updates.

This gives the followed person the ability to control who they are friends with, rather than automatically befriending all their followers. They have to specifically approve the request for a friendship connection to be made on Facebook.

Can you limit who follows you on Facebook?

Yes, Facebook provides settings to limit who can follow your profile. As a user, you can restrict followers in the following ways:

  • Followers Approval – Require you to approve each follower request before they can see your public posts.
  • Restrict Followers by Age – Only allow followers who meet a certain minimum age requirement.
  • Restrict Followers by Location – Only allow followers from certain countries/regions.

These settings are accessed in the “Followers” section under your general Account Settings. They allow you greater control over who can follow you without approval.

How many followers can you have on Facebook?

There is no hard limit on the number of followers a Facebook user can have. Public figures, businesses, brands and organizations often have follower counts in the millions on Facebook. Standard personal accounts tend to have fewer followers, but again there is no rule on how many you can acquire.

The number of followers you can realistically gain depends on factors like:

  • How large/public your audience is
  • How often you post engaging public content
  • Use of paid promotions to expand your follower base
  • Having an existing following on other platforms
  • Your profession and public status

Growing an organic follower base takes time and consistent public posting. Many profiles use Facebook advertising tools or cross-promotions with other platforms like Instagram to drive more follower traffic to their page. But there is no limit imposed by Facebook itself on possible followers.

Should businesses get Facebook followers or friends?

For professional business pages on Facebook, focuses on getting followers rather than friending individual users. Some key reasons for prioritizing followers as a business:

  • Allows one-way communication of updates and promotions
  • Followers can be acquired via advertising and promotions
  • Provides public data on the size of your audience
  • Maintains professional brand separation from personal accounts

Businesses should avoid sending friend requests to normal users, as this can come across as impersonal and promotional. Followers are a better metric of reach. Friend connections are more appropriate for maintaining personal relationships on Facebook.

Should individuals focus on friends or followers?

For personal Facebook accounts, prioritizing friends over followers is recommended in most cases. Some reasons why individuals benefit more from friends:

  • Two-way interactions drive more engagement
  • Friends open up more profile and content access
  • Higher friend count looks more social and popular
  • Friends translate to real-life relationships more often

Normal users are not creating content and updates aimed at public consumption the way businesses are. While having some followers is fine, friend relationships should take priority for non-business personal profiles on Facebook.


In summary, Facebook friends and followers have distinct meanings and functions on the platform:

  • Friends are two-way, mutual connections that drive interaction.
  • Followers subscribe one-way to your public updates.
  • Becoming friends or followers requires specific actions by both users.
  • Businesses should focus on gaining followers, individuals on befriending.
  • There is no limit imposed by Facebook on possible friends or followers.

Understanding these core differences allows you to strategically build your Facebook network as a business or individual user. Facebook provides controls over who can follow or friend your account. Use these settings combined with posting habits that engage your target audience to grow your presence.

Connection Type Friends Followers
Interaction style Two-way One-way
Sees your posts All Only public
Posts visible to Their news feed Only if they visit your profile
Can message you Yes No
Ideal for Individuals Businesses

This summarizes the key differences between friends and followers on Facebook at a glance. Understanding these distinctions will help as you strategically build your network and audience on Facebook as a user or brand.

Facebook’s algorithms also tend to favor profiles with higher friend engagement and interaction. So individuals should focus more on establishing two-way friend connections, while business pages can track followers as a metric for promotional reach.

How to increase Facebook friends as an individual

Here are some tips to grow your personal Facebook friend network organically as an individual user:

  • Connect with people you know offline – Friends, family, coworkers, etc. Real-life bonds transition well online.
  • Follow up with acquaintances – People you have met briefly or interacted with sparingly.
  • Find friends of friends – Browse friend lists of your connections for new people to meet.
  • Join Facebook groups and events – Meet people with similar interests to connect with.
  • Engagefriends with posts and media – Be an active sharer to drive engagement.

The key is being active: posting, commenting, liking, and sharing on Facebook. This increases your visibility and opportunities for connections. But focus on quality over quantity – real bonds with those you have something in common with will be more beneficial than random friend collecting.

How to get followers as a business/creator

Some tips for growing your Facebook followers as a business, creator or public figure:

  • Boost high-quality posts – Use paid promotions to expand your reach.
  • Engage community – Respond to comments, questions and feedback.
  • Run follower contests/giveaways – Offer prizes or free samples for new followers.
  • Cross-promote with other platforms – Drive your Instagram, Twitter, etc. audiences to follow you.
  • Post at high-traffic times – Track analytics to see when your followers are most active.

Businesses should focus less on one-on-one relationship building and more on creating content and campaigns that organically attract people to follow your brand. Paid advertising can also be leveraged once you have an initial audience and know your target customer base.

Should you buy Facebook friends or followers?

It’s generally not recommended to buy Facebook friends or followers from third-party providers. While you can pay to artificially inflate your friend/follower count, it will not actually drive meaningful engagement.

Some risks of buying Facebook connections include:

  • Low-quality connections – bots, inactive accounts, etc.
  • No increase in engagement – fake accounts won’t interact
  • Potential ban by Facebook – violation of terms of service
  • Security risks – scam services may compromise your account

Focus on building real connections and followers organically for long-term success. Shortcuts like paid services often lead to disappointment. Stick to Facebook’s own advertising platforms if you want to spend money increasing your reach.

How many friends does the average Facebook user have?

According to Facebook statistics, the average number of friends for active personal account users is around 300-400 connections. Here’s a breakdown of common friend count ranges:

Friend Count Range Profile Type
50-100 Casual, inactive users
100-300 Typical active users
300-500 Very active users
500-1,000 Power users
1,000+ Celebrities, brands, outliers

A profile with 500+ friends is considered to be well-connected on Facebook. But for the average person, most of their connections fall into the couple hundred range. Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to Facebook friends.

What is the maximum number of friends on Facebook?

There is no official friend limit imposed by Facebook. However, at around the 5,000 friends mark, some unusual restrictions start to take effect:

  • Cannot send some friend requests
  • New friends may be automatically added to “Restricted” list
  • Unable to manually sort friend list
  • Many interface options stop working

This seems to be an internal limit placed by Facebook to manage server load for accounts with huge friends lists. While you can continue adding more friends past 5,000, the functionality becomes increasingly limited.

For the average user, getting anywhere near 5,000 Facebook friends is unlikely. Public figures, brands and businesses may reach these limits as they connect with fans or followers. But for personal profiles, this upper limit is not a major concern.

Can you get banned for having too many friends?

No, there is no Facebook rule against having a lot of friend connections on your profile. You cannot get banned purely for having thousands of friends. However, there are some caveats:

  • Accounts with 5,000+ friends may trigger restrictions
  • Sudden spikes in friend count may be seen as suspicious
  • Fake or bot accounts are banned if detected

The main issue is artificial inflation of friend counts through bots or services. As long as you build up your connections organically, there is no friend number that will get you automatically banned.

Facebook mainly looks out for sudden jumps in friends or followers as a sign of fake accounts or inorganic growth tactics. High friend counts are fine if built up gradually over time with real people. Just don’t buy fake friends in bulk.

Can people see how many friends you have?

Yes, the number of friends you have is publicly visible by default to anyone who can view your Facebook profile. On your profile page, the friend count is shown under your cover photo and bio section.

You do have some options to control friend count visibility:

  • Adjust privacy settings – Hide your friend list from non-friends.
  • Unfriend people – Prune your list to reduce the public number.
  • Use friend lists – Segment friends without showing total count.

But in most cases, the standard behavior is that your total Facebook friend count can be viewed by other users. It serves as a metric of popularity and social connections.

Should you display your friend count publicly?

Here are some pros and cons to consider about displaying your Facebook friend count publicly:


  • Shows you are a popular, social user
  • Adds social credibility and influence
  • Can attract more friend requests
  • Standard default setting most users expect


  • Inflates perceptions about meaningful connections
  • Opens you to friend count comparisons
  • May attract unwanted friend requests
  • Some prefer to keep friend list private

There is no universally right or wrong choice. Consider your personal preferences, tendency to connect loosely vs deeply, and desire for privacy. For many, the standard public display is not an issue.


In summary:

  • Facebook friends and followers have distinct meanings and functions.
  • Becoming one does not automatically make you the other.
  • Businesses should focus on followers, individuals on befriending.
  • No hard limit exists but restrictions hit accounts with 5,000+ friends.
  • Average user has 300-500 Facebook friends.
  • You cannot get banned purely for having a high friend count.
  • Friend counts are publicly visible by default.
  • Consider pros and cons before hiding your friend count.

Understanding the nuances of friends vs followers, visibility settings, and growth strategies will help ensure your Facebook experience aligns with your goals. The platform offers many options – choose settings that maximize value while minimizing annoyance or distraction.