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Are Facebook and Instagram reels the same size?

Are Facebook and Instagram reels the same size?

Facebook and Instagram reels allow users to create and share short form video content. While both platforms offer reels, there are some key differences when it comes to reel sizes and specifications.

Reels are a popular way for users to create fun and engaging video content to share on social media. Both Facebook and Instagram introduced reels as a way for users to compete with the success of short form video apps like TikTok.

While reels on both platforms share some similarities, there are some key differences when it comes to reel sizes and dimensions. Understanding the specifications for Facebook and Instagram reels can help creators optimize their content for each platform.

Facebook Reels

Facebook first introduced reels in 2020. Reels on Facebook allow users to create 15-second multi-clip videos using audio, effects, and creative tools.

Facebook reels have the following size specifications:

  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Video Length: Up to 60 seconds
  • Video Resolution: Recommended resolution of 720p or higher

The 9:16 aspect ratio means Facebook reels are vertical, optimized for mobile viewing. Reels can be up to 60 seconds long, made up of multiple 15-second video clips. For best quality, Facebook recommends uploading videos that are at least 720p resolution.

720p video has a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. Higher resolution video like 1080p can also be used for Facebook reels.

Some important tips for creating Facebook reels include:

  • Film reels vertically for full-screen mobile viewing
  • Use high-quality video for best results
  • Trim clips to 15-second segments
  • Use fun audio, effects, text to enhance your reel

Properly optimizing reels for Facebook’s specifications improves the viewing experience and helps reels stand out in the Facebook news feed.

Instagram Reels

Instagram launched reels in 2020 as their short form video feature. Like Facebook, Instagram reels allow users to create multi-clip videos up to 60 seconds long.

Below are the size specs for Instagram reels:

  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Video Length: Up to 30 seconds
  • Video Resolution: 720p or higher

As you can see, the aspect ratio and resolution guidelines are the same as Facebook. However, Instagram has a shorter maximum video length per reel at 30 seconds.

Best practices for creating Instagram reels include:

  • Film vertically in 9:16 aspect ratio
  • Use the highest resolution available on your camera
  • Trim video clips to 30 seconds or shorter
  • Add music, effects, text to make your reel stand out

Following Instagram’s reel specifications allows your content to look and perform best on the platform. Cropping video properly and using high resolution source files improves the viewing experience.

Facebook vs Instagram Reels – Key Differences

While Facebook and Instagram reels share some similarities, there are some key differences between the specifications of reels on each platform:

Spec Facebook Reels Instagram Reels
Aspect Ratio 9:16 vertical 9:16 vertical
Max Video Length 60 seconds 30 seconds
Video Resolution 720p or higher 720p or higher

The key difference is the maximum video length per reel. Facebook allows up to 60 seconds of video content per reel, while Instagram caps reels at 30 seconds.

This means you may have to tailor your video content slightly differently depending on the platform. For Instagram, you’ll need to condense your messaging and creativity into 30 second clips. Facebook offers more flexibility with 60 second reels.

Creating Optimized Reels

When creating reels optimized for Facebook and Instagram, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Film reels vertically in 9:16 aspect ratio
  • Trim clips to 15 or 30 seconds in length
  • Use the highest resolution video available
  • Add music, effects, text to enhance your reel
  • Review platform guidelines for length, dimensions

Testing different reel styles and lengths is important. You may find shorter reels perform better on both platforms. Analyze metrics and engagement to see what resonates best with your audience.

Using high-quality source video ensures your reels look great played in full screen. Single clips can be combined and trimmed to fit the requirements of Facebook and Instagram reels as needed.

Adding special effects, audio and text helps your reels pop. Use creative elements that capture viewers’ attention and fit your brand style. Stay on top of latest trends and features for taking your reels to the next level.

Benefits of Reels for Business

Adopting reels for business accounts can offer the following benefits:

  • Reach new audiences organically
  • Showcase products or services creatively
  • Increase engagement and sharing
  • Drive traffic to your website or profile
  • Promote special offers and events

Both Facebook and Instagram reels appear in the main feeds and are discoverable by the wider community. This gives you an opportunity to get your brand in front of new demographics of users.

Reels allow you to highlight products, specials, events and more in a fun and engaging video format perfect for mobile users. The short form reel style lends itself well to cooking demos, “how to” videos, behind the scenes footage, employee spotlights, and other branded video content.

Including links, location tags, branded hashtags and more within your reels provides ways to drive traffic, increase follows and track engagement.

Analytics for Facebook and Instagram Reels

Taking advantage of built-in analytics for reels can help improve your video strategy over time. Key metrics to look at include:

  • Impressions and reach
  • Views and play time
  • Likes, comments and shares
  • Traffic to profile or website
  • Top performing reels

Analyze which types of reels do best on each platform. View counts and play time show content resonating with your audience. Monitor engagement metrics to see which reels prompt viewers to comment, like, share and take action.

Use analytics to refine your reel strategy in terms of length, topics, visual style and more. Continually experiment and optimize your reels for ideal results.

Promoting Your Reels

In addition to organic reach, you can put some extra promotion behind your top performing reels using paid ads:

  • Facebook and Instagram ads – Boost reels into targeted feeds
  • Facebook and Instagram Stories ads – Repurpose reels
  • Cross-promote between Facebook and Instagram

Consider putting some budget behind your best organic performing reels to expand viewership. You can also reuse reel content within Stories ads for additional exposure.

Make sure to cross-post reels onto both Facebook and Instagram to maximize reach between audiences on both platforms.


Facebook and Instagram reels share some core similarities but also have key differences when it comes to reel specifications and best practices. The most notable variation is the maximum reel length permitted on each platform.

Creating reels tailored to the recommended dimensions, lengths and resolutions results in an optimal viewing experience. Taking full advantage of creative tools and features keeps your audience engaged.

Analyzing performance metrics allows you to continually refine your reel strategy for each platform. Use analytics to determine top content themes, lengths, engagement tactics and more.

Adding Facebook and Instagram reels to your social strategy provides a new creative outlet to reach and connect with wider audiences. With some strategic testing and optimization, reels offer an engaging new video marketing format with strong business potential.