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Are Facebook ads free or paid?

Are Facebook ads free or paid?

Facebook ads can be free or paid depending on the type of ad and how it is set up. There are a few main options for Facebook ads that determine whether they are free or paid.

Free Facebook Ad Options

There are a couple ways to create free Facebook ads:

  • Page posts – Organic unpaid posts from a Facebook Page are a type of free ad. Page owners can post content, photos, videos, links, Stories, and more to their Page feed without paying. These posts have the potential to reach followers who like and engage with the Page.
  • Marketplace – Facebook Marketplace lets users post classified ads to buy and sell locally for free. Marketplace ads don’t have paid distribution options.

Free Page posts and Marketplace ads can reach people, but usually have lower reach and engagement than paid ads on Facebook. There are no placement or targeting options with free Facebook ads.

Paid Facebook Ad Options

Facebook offers several paid ad formats and placement options:

  • Facebook feed ads – These are paid ads that are shown in the News Feed between organic posts. They can include images, video, carousel, text, and more.
  • Facebook Stories ads – These vertical, full-screen ads appear between stories in Facebook Stories. They support creative like images, video, and carousels.
  • Facebook Marketplace – In addition to free classifieds, businesses can pay to promote listings to get more views.
  • Facebook Messenger – Businesses can pay to have ads displayed within the Facebook Messenger app.
  • Instagram – Instagram is owned by Facebook, so ads can also be run on Instagram feeds and stories.
  • Audience Network – Allows placement of ads with Facebook ad targeting on third-party apps and websites in the Audience Network ad network.

The paid ad formats have more placement options, detailed targeting settings, bidding models, and advanced reporting. Advertisers have more control over how, when, and where paid ads are delivered.

Benefits of Free Facebook Ads

Here are some of the main benefits of free Facebook ads:

  • 100% free to create and distribute
  • Reach people who already like/follow your Facebook Page
  • Drive traffic to your website or Facebook Page
  • Raise awareness for your brand, products, services
  • Get engagement and feedback from followers
  • Easy to set up and create in a Facebook Page

Benefits of Paid Facebook Ads

Some benefits of using paid Facebook ad options include:

  • Broad targeting options – Target specific locations, interests, behaviors, connections, and more.
  • Complete control over placement – Choose where and when ads are shown.
  • Higher reach potential – Paid ads can reach millions of Facebook users.
  • More ad formats – Utilize different formats like video and carousel.
  • Awareness, consideration and conversion objectives – Optimize for different goals.
  • Retargeting options – Remarket to people who visited sites.
  • Powerful analytics – Track detailed ad performance and optimization.

Cost of Facebook Ads

The cost of Facebook ads depends on several factors:

  • Bid amount: Advertisers set a bid amount which affects placement. Higher bids can improve ad placement. The minimum bid is $1/day.
  • Competition: Ads for some targets and placements see more competition, driving bids up.
  • Targeting: Broad targeting is less expensive than precise targeting.
  • Ad format: Video ads tend to cost more than image/text ads.
  • Campaign objective: Conversion-focused objectives may cost more to maximize results.
  • Ad frequency: Multiple ad impressions each day can increase costs.
  • Time of year: High ad demand periods like holidays lead to higher rates.

Most Facebook ads cost between $0.50 – $5.00 per click or between $5 – $15 per 1,000 impressions. The average CPC is around $1.72 across industries.

Setting Up Paid Facebook Ads

Here is a step-by-step overview of setting up paid Facebook ads:

  1. Create a Facebook for Business account
  2. Set campaign objectives based on your goals
  3. Choose target audiences you want to reach
  4. Create ad creatives with compelling images/video
  5. Write effective ad copy and headlines
  6. Set a budget and bid amounts for placement
  7. Select placement and schedule for the ads
  8. Enter payment method and submit order
  9. Monitor performance and optimize

Facebook offers user-friendly ads interfaces and wizards that make it easier for businesses to create and manage paid ads. Some expertise in digital marketing and split testing is helpful for optimizing Facebook ad campaigns.

Facebook Ad Type Free or Paid?
Page Post Free
Facebook Feed Ad Paid
Facebook Story Ad Paid
Marketplace Listing Free
Marketplace Promoted Listing Paid
Messenger Ad Paid
Instagram Feed Ad Paid
Instagram Story Ad Paid
Audience Network Ad Paid


In summary, organic Facebook Page posts and Marketplace listings are free ad options, while paid ads include feed ads, Stories, promoted listings, Messenger, Instagram, and Audience Network. Paid ads require upfront investment but offer more targeting options and higher reach. When used effectively, both free and paid Facebook ads can support business goals.