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Are deleted messages on Messenger gone forever?

Are deleted messages on Messenger gone forever?

This is a common question for many Messenger users. When you delete a message on Messenger, whether it’s a text, photo, video, or voice message, it disappears from your chat. But is it really gone forever?

The Short Answer

No, deleted messages on Messenger are not necessarily gone forever. When you delete a message, it is removed from your view of the chat, but a copy may still exist on Facebook’s servers. There is also a chance the recipient could have seen or saved the message before it was deleted.

When You Delete a Message

When you delete a message you’ve sent on Messenger, here’s what happens:

  • The message is removed from your view of the chat thread.
  • The message remains on Facebook’s servers until cleanup scripts permanently delete it.
  • If the recipient saw the message before you deleted it, they still have access to it.
  • If the recipient saved or took a screenshot of the message, they have a permanent copy.

So even though the message disappears from your chat window, traces of it may still exist in other places.

On Facebook’s Servers

When you send a message on Messenger, it gets routed through Facebook’s servers. A copy of your messages, including ones you’ve deleted, get stored on Facebook’s servers until cleanup scripts permanently erase them.

Facebook has not provided details on how long deleted messages are retained on their servers. It likely varies based on the type of message (text, photo, video, etc). But in most cases, deleted messages probably persist for a few days to a few weeks on Facebook’s servers before being permanently erased.

On the Recipient’s Device

If the person you sent the message to sees it before you delete it, the message will remain visible in their chat window even after you delete it. This is because deleting a message only removes it from your view, not the recipient’s view.

The recipient may also intentionally save your message before you delete it by taking a screenshot or copying the text. This creates a permanent record of the message that can’t be deleted.

There is no way for you to delete a message from someone else’s device or view of the chat. Once they’ve seen it, it’s out of your control.

How to Minimize Traces of Deleted Messages

While you can’t guarantee a deleted message will vanish without a trace, there are some things you can do to minimize the chance it will be seen by the recipient or recovered:

  • Delete messages as soon as you send them, before the other person has a chance to view them.
  • Avoid sending sensitive photos, videos or audio messages that could be saved.
  • Ask the recipient to also delete the message from their view of the chat.
  • In longer group chats, delete the message, then change the subject.
  • Turn on disappearing messages which automatically deletes messages after a set time period.

However, be aware the recipient can still screenshot or copy a message before it disappears, even with disappearing messages turned on.

Can You Recover a Deleted Message?

Once you’ve deleted a message you sent, it can be very difficult to recover it. Here are some possibilities:

On Your Device

If you accidentally deleted a message you want to keep, you may be able to find it in your device’s deleted items folder for a short time, depending on your device and settings. However, this is not possible on most platforms.

Check with the Recipient

If the recipient saw and saved the message before you deleted it, they may be willing to send it back to you if you ask. This relies on them cooperating with your request.

Facebook Data Download

Facebook allows you to download all the data they have saved about your account. This includes a history of your Messenger conversations. While deleted messages won’t show up in your chat history, they may still be contained in the data files Facebook provides you with. It’s a long shot, but could work.

Facebook Data Request

You can request data directly from Facebook through a legal Data Request. If you have a legitimate lawful reason, Facebook may provide you with data including deleted messages, if still retained on their servers.

Third-Party Apps That Save Deleted Messages

There are third-party apps available that claim to archive your Messenger chats, including deleted messages. Examples include Messenger Save and WAMR. However, be very cautious about granting any third-party app access to your Facebook data. Make sure to thoroughly research the app, reviews and permissions before using one.


While deleting a message on Messenger removes it from your view of the chat, traces of the message may still remain on Facebook’s servers, the recipient’s device, or in saved records. The only way to ensure a message is permanently deleted is to never send it in the first place. When sending sensitive information, it’s best to have an in-person conversation or use an encrypted messaging platform where messages can be permanently erased for both parties. While Facebook owns Messenger and advertises its security, you do not have complete control or insight into what happens behind the scenes with your deleted messages.

Platform Deleted by Sender Deleted by Recipient
Facebook Messenger Removed from sender’s view Removed from recipient’s view
WhatsApp Removed for both parties Removed for both parties
Signal Removed for both parties Removed for both parties

This table compares how deleting messages works on three different messaging platforms. On Messenger, deletion only affects the view for the person who deletes the message. But on encrypted apps like WhatsApp and Signal, deletion removes the message for both parties.

Can Facebook Use Your Deleted Messages?

Facebook claims they do not use your deleted messages to target ads or for other data mining purposes. However, since deleted messages may be retained for some time on their servers, it’s impossible to verify this fully.

Facebook’s data policy states: “We do not use your individual Messenger conversations to inform ads or recommendations to you across Facebook Company Products.”

However, some key points about how deleted messages may be used:

  • Metadata like who you message with and when could inform ads or recommendations
  • Messages could be accessed for security/abuse investigations
  • Messages could be mined by third-party app partners
  • Messages could be handed over to government authorities

While Facebook may not directly mine your deleted messages, the data still exists within their ecosystem and control. They have the technical capability to access or analyze it if they decided to change their policies or practices.

Scandals Over Data Sharing

Facebook has faced scrutiny over how it handles user data, including message data:

  • Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed sharing of data with third parties
  • Device makers like Apple and Samsung had broad access to message data
  • Facebook collected Android call and text data for years

Given Facebook’s history of opaque data sharing, many users are rightfully suspicious about how deleted messages could be accessed or used in the future.

Should Messenger Have a Delete For Everyone Option?

Many believe Messenger should offer a “Delete for Everyone” option like WhatsApp and Signal, where recipients are also forced to delete the message.

Some key arguments around this:


  • More control over sensitive conversations
  • Peace of mind knowing messages can’t be recovered
  • Reduces messaging regrets


  • Recipient loses message they may want to keep
  • Open to abuse/harassment by forcing deletions
  • Technical challenges at Messenger’s scale

Messenger has over 1 billion users, so implementing delete for everyone has significant technical challenges. Overall, the pros may outweigh the cons, but the option could be open to abuse by bad actors forcing recipients to delete messages.

The Risks of Sensitive Messaging

Messenger conversations may seem private and secure, but there are risks when communicating sensitive or confidential information:

  • Messages may remain accessible after deletion
  • Metadata can reveal who you converse with
  • Facebook may analyze data for ad targeting or internal purposes
  • Data could be handed to government agencies
  • Employers can demand access to messages

For the most private conversations, experts recommend encrypted messaging apps like Signal or having sensitive talks in person. With Messenger, there’s always a risk your deleted messages could come back to haunt you in unexpected ways.

Examples of Message Scandals

Some high-profile examples of how digital messages caused major scandals and embarrassment:

  • Leaked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign staff
  • James Comey’s leaked Donald Trump memos
  • Paul Manafort’s daughter’s hacked text messages
  • Boston Red Sox sign stealing text messages

These demonstrate how even deleted or confidential messages can go public when platforms and devices are compromised. For public figures, the stakes with private messaging are extremely high.

Best Practices for Messenger Usage

Given the risks around deleted messages on Messenger, here are some best practices:

  • Avoid sending anything embarrassing or sensitive
  • Use time-limited messages when possible
  • Ask recipients to delete messages after reading
  • Periodically delete conversations/messages
  • Turn off chat history and backup

However, also remember Messenger’s utility for quick, casual conversations with friends and family. Don’t avoid Messenger entirely, but understand the limitations around deleted messages.

The Bottom Line

While deleting a message on Messenger removes it from view, complete deletion is complex on a platform of this scale. Traces likely remain in Facebook’s systems or the recipient’s device indefinitely. Set your expectations accordingly when messaging. For your most private conversations, more secure platforms are recommended. But Messenger remains useful for casual chats with the right precautions.