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Am I blocked or did they delete Facebook?

Am I blocked or did they delete Facebook?

It can be frustrating and confusing when you are unable to view someone’s Facebook profile. There are two main reasons this can happen – either you have been blocked by the user or they have deleted their Facebook account entirely. So how can you tell the difference and find out what is really going on?

In this article, we will explore the signs that indicate if someone has blocked you on Facebook or if they have deleted their account altogether. We will also provide steps you can take to gain more clarity on the situation. Knowing for sure if you are blocked or if the account is gone can provide closure and peace of mind.

Signs You May Be Blocked

Here are some common signs that you may be blocked by another Facebook user:

Their Profile and Posts Disappear

When you are blocked, you will no longer be able to see the user’s profile or any of their posts. Their entire account will seem to vanish. You will get an error message if you try to access their profile directly.

You Can’t Start a Conversation

Facebook does not allow you to start a conversation or contact someone who has blocked you. If you try to message them, you’ll get an error saying your message could not be sent.

You Disappear From Their Friends List

Another indicator is if you completely disappear from their friends/followers list. Of course, you can’t check this if you can’t access their profile. But mutual friends may be able to confirm if you’ve been removed.

Limited Profile Access

You may find that you have limited access to their profile. You can see some pictures but not posts or info. This “Restricted Profile” setup is a form of soft blocking on Facebook.

No Response to Tags and Messages

If your tags and messages to the person consistently go unanswered, it can be a sign you are blocked. However, do keep in mind that lack of response alone does not guarantee you are blocked.

Signs the Account May Be Deleted

Here are indicators that the Facebook account in question may have been deleted entirely:

The Profile Cannot Be Found

If you search for the person’s profile on Facebook directly and get a message that the content is unavailable, then the account has likely been deleted. This is different than the error you’d get if blocked.

Posts and Tags Disappear

If the user has deleted their account, comments and tags made by them will be removed from Facebook. Conversations you had together will also be erased.

Mutual Friends Don’t See the Account

Ask around to see if mutual friends can view the profile. If not, it is a clear sign the account has been deleted. You may want to ask if they know why.

The Username Is Available

Usernames of deleted accounts become available to be claimed again. Try creating a new account under their old name. If Facebook lets you, then that confirms the prior account is gone.

No Response to Tag Notifications

When someone deletes Facebook, they no longer get notifications or emails when tagged. So if they do not respond to tags, it suggests the account removal.

Steps to Investigate Further

If you are still unsure if you are blocked or the account is gone, here are some additional steps to investigate:

Check From a Different Account

Log into another account you have or create a dummy account. Then try to search for and view the profile to see if anything changes. This helps rule out a simple technical glitch.

Ask Mutual Friends to Check

Have one or more mutual friends try to access the profile and report back. They may have more insight from their end.

See If You Were Removed as a Friend

Log into your account and check your own friends list. If the person disappeared from your list, it means you were likely blocked or they deactivated their account.

Look for Them Elsewhere Online

Do a web search for the person’s name and check other social media networks to see if they are still active online. If their accounts are gone across the board, it signals deletion.

Check Your Messages Filter

In your Facebook messages, look under the message requests or spam folders. If attempts to contact them are there, you have likely been blocked.

Use the Download Info Tool

Facebook allows you to download all your information from the platform. Check in your archives for any signs you may have been blocked, like messages failures.

Next Steps If You’ve Been Blocked

If you confirm that you have been blocked, here are some productive next steps:

Reflect on Why It Occurred

Think about any past interactions that could have motivated their decision to block you. Understanding this can help give you closure.

Respect Their Decision

As frustrating as it may be, try to respect their choice to cut contact for now. Pushing the issue is unlikely to change anything.

Move On Positively

Focus your time and energy on other connections. Nurture the beneficial relationships in your life.

Don’t Circumvent the Block

Avoid contacting them from other accounts or having mutual friends intervene. This could backfire and lead to further issues.

Request Feedback If Needed

If necessary for closure, you can politely ask them why you were blocked. But be prepared to potentially not receive a response.

Next Steps If They Deleted Facebook

If it turns out the account was simply deleted, here are some tips for moving forward:

Understand It’s Their Decision

Respect the fact that deleting Facebook was the right choice for them at the moment for unknown personal reasons.

Reflect Positively

Focus on the positive memories and value this person brought to your life through your Facebook interactions.

Stay Connected Elsewhere If Possible

If you are comfortable doing so, reach out via another communication channel such as phone, text, email or mutually used platforms.

Ask Mutual Friends to Keep In Touch

Get updates from time to time from mutual friends. They can let you know if the person reactivates their Facebook account.

Don’t Take It Personally

Try not to take the account deletion too personally. It likely wasn’t to isolate you specifically.

The Takeaway

Being blocked or having someone delete their Facebook can feel disheartening. However, in most cases it is better to find closure and move forward positively. Avoid overanalyzing their decision and instead focus on nurturing other connections in your life. With the right perspective, you can deal with the loss of access to their Facebook presence in a healthy productive manner.

Signs You May Be Blocked Signs the Account is Deleted
Their Profile Disappears Profile Cannot Be Found
You Can’t Message Them Posts and Tags Disappear
Removed from Friends List Friends Don’t See the Profile
Limited Profile Access Username is Available
No Response to Attempts to Contact No Response to Tag Notifications
Next Steps If Blocked Next Steps if Deleted
Reflect on Why Understand Their Decision
Respect Their Choice Reflect Positively
Move On Positively Stay Connected Elsewhere If Possible
Don’t Circumvent the Block Ask Mutual Friends to Keep In Touch
Request Feedback If Needed Don’t Take It Personally